squeek502 / VeganOption

A Minecraft mod that seeks to add vegan alternatives to all Minecraft mob/animal products
The Unlicense
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Add mason bee blocks? #43

Open squeek502 opened 8 years ago

squeek502 commented 8 years ago

Could provide a passive boost to plant growth in an area around them. Not sure what the crafting recipe should be.

Tangentially related to #42

squeek502 commented 8 years ago

Actually, this could be a roundabout way of implementing (part) of #42: native bee blocks could passively grow/spread flowers/tall grass a la Forestry, which could then be harvested and composted.

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

This could work, maybe the boost increases with flowers around the hive.

It could also have integration with Harvestcraft, Growthcraft, and Forestry, since they all have bees.

The recipe could be two logs, and five wood slabs.

elifoster commented 3 months ago

Archives of dead links in OP:

elifoster commented 3 months ago

In addition to flowers, this could be a way to propagate and passively fertilize sweet berries. Maybe we could have our mason bees sometimes propagate melon and pumpkin seeds (if such plants are nearby) to grow wild crops, harvestable apples that grow on oak trees. When paired with the Spice of Life and its forks this could be a good way to passively farm a variety of vegan foods/ingredients.