squeek502 / VeganOption

A Minecraft mod that seeks to add vegan alternatives to all Minecraft mob/animal products
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The Vegan Option

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A Minecraft mod that seeks to add vegan alternatives to all Minecraft mob/animal products using the following guidelines:

Building The Mod

  1. Clone this repository
  2. If you have Gradle installed, open a command line in the cloned directory and execute: gradle build. To give the build a version number, use gradle build -Pversion=<version> instead (example: gradle build -Pversion=1.0.0). To use the most recent commit, use gradle build -Pdev
    • If you don't have Gradle installed, you can use ForgeGradle's gradlew/gradlew.bat instead

To use the runClient or runServer tasks, you must have a local.properties file in the project directory. Its contents are as follows:

recipe_viewer=jei # or rei, depending on which you need or prefer.

What's Included

Alternatives by Item

Item Alternative
Bone Fossils
Bone Meal (as a fertilizer) Fertilizer
Milk (as a food) Plant Milk
Milk (as a status effect curative) Soap
Ink Sac Black Vegetable Oil Ink
Slimeball Resin
Wool Block of Kapok
Feather Faux Feather
String Jute Fiber or Kapok Tufts
Leather Burlap
Leather Armor Burlap Armor
Raw/Cooked Meat (as a food) Seitan
Egg (as a food) No alternative yet (HarvestCraft's tofu is recommended for this purpose)
Egg (as a baking agent) Potato Starch or Apple Sauce
Egg (as an object) Plastic Egg
Gunpowder Charcoal + Sulfur + Saltpeter
Rotten Flesh Rotten Plants
Blaze Rod Plastic Rod + Rosin + Vegetable Wax + Flint & Steel
Pufferfish Frozen Bubble
Ender Pearl Frozen Bubble + Raw Ender
Ghast Tear Proof of Suffering
Spider Eye False Morel or Doll's Eye
Fermented Spider Eye Fermented False Morel
Mob Heads Blank Mob Head + Various Dyes
Honeycomb Vegetable Wax
Honey Syrup
Rabbit Foot No alternative yet
Goat Horn No alternative yet
Glow Ink Sac No alternative yet
Phantom Membrane No alternative yet
Nautilus Shell No alternative yet
Shulker Shell No alternative yet
Prismarine Shards No alternative yet
Nether Star No alternative yet
Dragon Egg No alternative yet
Animal taming items No alternative yet



References: Make Your Own Bioplastic


References: Hessian (cloth)


References: The Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (C:N)

Doll's Eye

References: Actaea pachypoda (doll's-eyes, white baneberry)

Egg Replacers

References: Egg Substitutions in Baking, Ener-G Egg Replacer

Raw Ender

Faux Feather


Frozen Bubble

References: Frozen Bubbles Freeze at -40c


References: Sodium nitrate (Chile saltpeter), Chilean caliche


Vegetable Oil Ink

References: Soy ink, The Printing Ink Manual pg219


References: Jute, Jute cultivation, Retting


References: Ceiba pentandra

Blank Mob Head

References: Papier-mâché

Plant Milk

References: Plant milk, Perfect Pumpkin Seed Milk

Proof of Suffering


References: Resin, Rosin


References: How to Make Soap from Ashes

Straw Bed

References: Palliasse

False Morel

References: False morel, Gyromitra esculenta

Vegetable Oil

References: Vegetable oil


References: Wheat gluten (food), How to made your GLUTEN at home


References: About birch syrup

Integration With Other Mods