squeek502 / VeganOption

A Minecraft mod that seeks to add vegan alternatives to all Minecraft mob/animal products
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The One Probe integration. Improve WAILA integration. #69

Closed elifoster closed 7 years ago

elifoster commented 7 years ago

WAILA integration and The One Probe integration are 1:1; what was already shown in the WAILA tooltip is shown in The One Probe tooltip. Remove Bed WAILA integration and replace it with properly overriding getPickBlock in BlockBedGeneric.

Here is an example of what it looks like:

Open and empty basin: Open and empty basin

Closed and full basin: Closed and full basin

Potential improvements I can think of:

squeek502 commented 7 years ago

I generally try to avoid adding full mods to the dev environment whenever possible (to better test that they are optional and to keep the default environment lean), but it looks like that's not really possible with TOP, unfortunately. Perhaps we could request API-only packages be added to the TOP maven.

EDIT: See https://github.com/McJty/TheOneProbe/issues/66

elifoster commented 7 years ago

I've moved DEGREE_SYMBOL so that the TOP integration is not dependent on the WAILA integration classes.

I agree with the API package stuff. Are we going to wait until McJty/TheOneProbe#66 is resolved to merge this, or simply update the buildscript once that issue gets resolved?

squeek502 commented 7 years ago

Looks good, we can merge it now.

elifoster commented 7 years ago

What do you think of the two potential improvements I listed above?

squeek502 commented 7 years ago
  1. I think this change would make sense, as it'd also allow for the % sign placement to be based on localization
  2. This one might be more difficult. I was thinking we could add something to the Block classes like getContextStrings that would return a List<String> and then the TOP methods could just loop through that and chain text calls, but Waila depends on NBT syncing that might make that method not quite work without special handling (for example).