squeek502 / VeganOption

A Minecraft mod that seeks to add vegan alternatives to all Minecraft mob/animal products
The Unlicense
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Egg fun #74

Closed elifoster closed 8 months ago

elifoster commented 7 years ago

Add ability to put items inside plastic eggs, with a Modifier system for custom impact behavior.

Add a single impact behavior for Gunpowder to explode. Not really sure what else to add.


In order to add an item to an egg, you shapelessly craft them together. It adds a "Contains " tooltip. Registering custom EggModifiers will modify the behavior of a plastic egg depending on what is contained in it. Right now, there's just gunpowder, which explodes.

squeek502 commented 7 years ago

Awesome work, looks well implemented, although I haven't tested it yet. :+1:

squeek502 commented 7 years ago

Random aside, but I thought I'd note that /u/_7355608_ is doing some cool stuff with an extremely similar idea (using arrows).

elifoster commented 7 years ago

@squeek502 That's pretty neat/innovative.

I'd hope we/I would add more EggModifiers before this gets merged. Do you have any ideas?

elifoster commented 8 months ago

Merging this in order to begin work on 1.20 port.