squeek502 / VeganOption

A Minecraft mod that seeks to add vegan alternatives to all Minecraft mob/animal products
The Unlicense
45 stars 10 forks source link

Status and future of 1.20 port #92

Closed elifoster closed 7 months ago

elifoster commented 7 months ago

Paging @squeek502

I've just about got the mod ported to MC 1.20 on the 1.20 branch. Just a couple feature modules left to get working properly. I know you're not involved in modded MC anymore but I'd like to know how you'd prefer it be handled. Obviously it's public domain so I could just fork it and call it "Vegan Option 2" or some shit like that, but personally I think it would be good to be able to keep the repo's issue tracker and PR history and also keep it tied to the original creator and the original mod. Design-wise I'm intending on keeping it true to the original mod, and code-wise it's still pretty much the same as it was before, although a few things had to be rewritten (the recipe stuff, mostly).

To me the options for the repo seem to be the following:

And as for the name and "brand" (if you wanna call it that) of the mod, I would personally rather it just stay "The Vegan Option", since again the codebase is basically the same and from a game design perspective it is still basically the same. But if you'd rather it be under a new name since you no longer work on it, that's also fine by me. It's all good.

Hope you've been doing well these past few years.

squeek502 commented 7 months ago

Whatever you want to do I'm totally okay with; happy to see this continued and I have full trust that whatever you want to do with it will be great. Let me know if there are any permissions you're missing.

It seems like you are avoiding CurseForge these days, but if you want to release the new version there as well let me know and I'll give you full permission over that project, too.

elifoster commented 7 months ago

Personal repo permissions unfortunately can't be changed granularly as far as I know. But I think the only thing I would need is the default branch changed. I have unstaged local changes on 1.20 right now, but once I get those pushed I'll rename the branch to latest and then once that's done you can change the default branch to that.

As for CurseForge: I think I'm able to push versions and change the description on CurseForge already, although you're right I have been avoiding it. I've been putting my mods on Modrinth. I'll probably just update the description to link to the Modrinth page -- I had already been moving my mods over just because it's a better service imo, when it came out that Overwolf, CurseForge's owner, is fundraising to "assist [Israel's] war effort". That pretty much sealed it for me.

elifoster commented 7 months ago

Since 1.20 is now the default branch, do you mind renaming it to "latest"? Only repository owners can rename the default branch.

squeek502 commented 7 months ago


elifoster commented 7 months ago
