squidserv / OracleRole

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Every so often you will receive a vision that may help you solve the case. Be careful, you will be vulnerable during your visions, however.



Alive only works on Custom Roles 1.3.1


Add the following to your server.cfg (for dedicated servers) or listenserver.cfg (for peer-to-peer servers):

ttt_oracle_enabled              0                   // Used to enable or disable the role
ttt_oracle_spawn_weight         1                   // The weight assigned for spawning the role
ttt_oracle_min_players          0                   // The minimum number of player required to spawn the role
ttt_oracle_starting_health      100                 // The amount of health the role starts each round with
ttt_oracle_max_health           100                 // The maximum health of the role
ttt_oracle_starting_credits     1                   // The player's starting credits
ttt_oracle_blind                1                   // If the oracle is blinded during the vision
ttt_oracle_vision_time          10                  // How long the vision will be on the screen
ttt_oracle_vision_gap           30                  // How long between visions
ttt_oracle_chatbox              1                   // If the information from the vision should be sent to the player in chat too
ttt_oracle_vision               1                   // Whether a vision is enabled or not. Replace "vision" with the name (all lowercase) of each vision you want to enable



Informs the player what weapon one of the opposing players is holding.


How far away a random player on a different team is from the oracle is.

There is one additional Convar for this vistion:

ttt_oracle_distance_unit        0                    // The distance reported in ft (0) or m (1)


Reports to the player that there is a dead body that hasn't been investigated, as well as who the dead body is.


The player will be able to see the outline of other players while they are blind.


The player can see the specific role of another player.

There is one additional Convar for this vision:

ttt_oracle_role_mode            1                    // Should only enemies be included in the vision? 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = Either


Reports to the player that there is a member of a certain team left alive.

There is one additional Convar for this vision:

ttt_oracle_team_mode            1                    // Should only enemies be included in the vision? 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = Either


Reveals to the player how many people are left alive.

There is one additional Convar for this vision:

ttt_oracle_alive_mode           3                    // Should only enemies be included in the vision? 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = Either


One of a certain number of players are on a different team.

There are two additional Convars for this vision:

ttt_oracle_reveal_players       4                    // The max number of players selected that could be bad.
ttt_oracle_reveal_mode          3                    // 1 = One of, 2 = At least one of, 3 = Either


Reveals how many credits there still are to be spent by the player's enemies

There is one additional Convar for this vision:

ttt_oracle_credits_mode         3                    // Should only one player be included in the vision? 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = Either

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