sqvcnet / libvr

A cross-platform library for quickly constructing iOS and Android video player, 360 degree, 360 degree 3D VR player etc. Support local file playing and http, rtmp, hls(correctly support DISCONTINUITY) etc. protocols.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
22 stars 7 forks source link


A cross-platform library for quickly constructing iOS and Android video player, 360 degree, 360 degree 3D VR player etc. Support local file playing and http, rtmp, hls(correctly support DISCONTINUITY) etc. protocols.




How to use

See https://github.com/sqvcnet/react-native-libvr-demo and https://github.com/sqvcnet/react-native-libvr for detailed usages

You can also run the simple demo.xcodeproj to take the first glance

Notice: If you want to use this project in your own iOS project, remember to add "CoreMedia.framework, AudioToolbox.framework, VideoToolbox.framework, libz.dylib, libc++.dylib, GLKit.framework" in "Link Binary with Libraries" of project "Build Phrases". In order to add libz.dylib and libc++.dylib, you may be need to "Add Other" then press "Shift+Command+G" then input "/usr/lib" then find them, since the *.tbd cannot work.

For iOS

You should add NSMotionUsageDescription(Privacy - Motion Usage Description) in Info.plist, see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coremotion


The OpenGL ES code may run faster or slower in simulator than on an actual device. Always profile and optimize your drawing code on a real device, and never assume that Simulator reflects real-world performance. See https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/OpenGLES/Conceptual/OpenGLESHardwarePlatformGuide_iOS/OpenGLESiniOSSimulator/OpenGLESiniOSSimulator.html for more details.