sraashis / retinal-fundus-transfer

An example of easytorch implementation on retinal vessel segmentation.
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biomedical-image-analysis easy-neural-network-experiments k-fold-cross-validation pool-image-datasets pytorch-k-fold-cross-validation retinal-vessel-segmentation transfer-learning u-net u-net-pytorch vessel-segmentation

An easy way of doing transfer learning for color fundus images processing tasks.

Step 1:

Install pytorch and torchvision from official website, and run:

pip install easytorch==3.4.9

Step 2:

def get_label_drive(file_name):
        return file_name.split('_')[0] + '_manual1.gif'

def get_mask_drive(file_name):
    return file_name.split('_')[0] + '_mask.gif'

    'name': f'DRIVE',
    'patch_shape': (388, 388),
    'patch_offset': (300, 300),
    'expand_by': (184, 184),
    'data_dir': 'DRIVE' + sep + 'images',
    'label_dir': 'DRIVE' + sep + 'manual',
    'mask_dir': 'DRIVE' + sep + 'mask',
    'label_getter': get_label_drive,
    'mask_getter': get_mask_drive,
    'resize': (896, 896),
    'thr_manual': 50


Case 1: Run a working example on DDR dataset using two datasets(DRIVE and WIDE) for transfer learning.

python -ph train -data datasets --training-datasets DRIVE STARE --target-datasets DDR_train -spl 0.75 0.25 0 -b 8 -nw 6 -lr 0.001 -e 501 -pat 101 -rcw True

Case 2: Use more datasets as below.

python -ph train -data <path to your dataset> --training-datasets DRIVE CHASEDB HRF IOSTAR STARE --target-datasets DDR_train -spl 0.75 0.25 0 -b 8 -nw 6 -lr 0.001 -e 501 -pat 101 -rcw True

All the best! Cheers! 🎉

Please star or cite if you find it useful.

    title        = {Dynamic Deep Networks for Retinal Vessel Segmentation},
    author       = {Khanal, Aashis and Estrada, Rolando},
    year         = 2020,
    journal      = {Frontiers in Computer Science},
    volume       = 2,
    pages        = 35,
    doi          = {10.3389/fcomp.2020.00035},
    issn         = {2624-9898}

        Author = {Aashis Khanal and Saeid Motevali and Rolando Estrada},
        Title = {Fully Automated Tree Topology Estimation and Artery-Vein Classification},
        Year = {2022},
        Eprint = {arXiv:2202.02382},

Please cite the respective datasets below if you use them in any way..

  1. DRIVE Dataset, J. Staal, M. Abramoff, M. Niemeijer, M. Viergever, and B. van Ginneken, “Ridge based vessel segmentation in color images of the retina,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 23, 501–509 (2004)
  2. STARE Dataset, A. D. Hoover, V. Kouznetsova, and M. Goldbaum, “Locating blood vessels in retinal images by piecewise threshold probing of a matched filter response,” IEEE Transactions on Med. Imaging 19, 203–210 (2000)
  3. CHASE DB: Fraz, M. M., Remagnino, P., Hoppe, A., Uyyanonvara, B., Rudnicka, A. R., Owen, C. G., & Barman, S. A. (2012). An ensemble classification-based approach applied to retinal blood vessel segmentation. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 59(9), 2538–2548.
  4. HRF Dataset: Budai, A., Bock, R., Maier, A., Hornegger, J., & Michelson, G. (2013). Robust vessel segmentation in fundus images. International journal of biomedical imaging, 2013, 154860.
  5. IOSTAR Dataset: J. Zhang, B. Dashtbozorg, E. Bekkers, J. P. W. Pluim, R. Duits and B. M. ter Haar Romeny, "Robust Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Locally Adaptive Derivative Frames in Orientation Scores," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2631-2644, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2016.2587062.
  6. AV-WIDE Dataset: Estrada, R., Tomasi, C., Schmidler, S. C., & Farsiu, S. (2015). Tree Topology Estimation. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 37(8), 1688–1701.
  7. DDR Dataset: Tao Li, Yingqi Gao, Kai Wang, Song Guo, Hanruo Liu, & Hong Kang (2019). Diagnostic Assessment of Deep Learning Algorithms for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening. Information Sciences, 501, 511 - 522.
  8. Architecture used, O. Ronneberger, P. Fischer, and T. Brox, “U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation,” in MICCAI, (2015)