srares13 / vscode-position-tracking

MIT License
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If you have some location in the document of which you want to know what would be its new location according to document changes, this library aims to provide you with that updated location.


It is an experimental library. It requires further testing regarding its ability to effectively update the wanted location.

Here if you wish, is where you could help and provide situations in which the updated location is not correct. There are debug loggings which can aid you with this. You will see more details about this below.

Library's API

The API of this library consists in a single function that you will use.

This function is called getUpdatedRanges().

How to use

Install the library in your project


// Import it.
const { getUpdatedRanges } = require('vscode-position-tracking')

// To update your document locations according to each
// document change that occurs,
// the getUpdatedRanges() function has to be used 
// within an onDidChangeTextDocument event listener.
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument((event) => {

   const updatedRanges = getUpdatedRanges(
      // The locations you want to update,
      // under the form of an array of ranges.
      // It is a required argument.
      // Array of document changes.
      // It is a required argument.
      // An object with various options.
      // It is not a required argument,
      // nor any of its options.
         onDeletion: 'remove',
         onAddition: 'split',
         outputChannel: extensionOutputChannel
   // The function returns the updated locations
   // according to document changes,
   // under the form of a new array of ranges.

Options object

The options object is not a required argument, nor any of its options.

Available options:

Return value

Signature of getUpdatedRanges()

   ranges: vscode.Range[],
   changes: vscode.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[],
   options?: {
      onDeletion?: 'remove'|'shrink',
      onAddition?: 'remove'|'extend'|'split',
      outputChannel?: vscode.OutputChannel
): vscode.Range[]


You can use the Issues tab of the library's repository for any questions, suggestions and problems you have.

If the library calculates the wrong updated location:

Passing a vscode.OutputChannel object to the outputChannel option will help in gathering some of the data: document change ranges, to update ranges, and updated ranges.

In this case, the updated ranges from the logs will be the wrong ones. So what else should be provided in the opened issue will be the correct updated ranges.