srbrunoferreira / docker-wordpress

Docker environment for WordPress development with PHP, Apache, phpMyAdmin and MariaDB.
MIT License
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apache docker mariadb mysql php php8 phpmyadmin plugin wordpress


Docker environment with WordPress, PHP-FPM, Apache, phpMyAdmin and MariaDB

Use it to develop your plugin or to have a LAMP stack to test some code.

Feel free to use as you wish.


  1. Clone the repository on your local machine or WSL.

  2. (optional, but recommended) Generate self-signed SSL certificates with mkcert.

    1. In your host machine, install mkcert.

      1. If you use WSL, you must install mkcert with choco on Windows and run every command of mkcert from the Windows terminal. Otherwise, the browser won't recognize the certs.
    2. Run: mkcert -cert-file wordpress.local.pem -key-file wordpress.local.key.pem wordpress.local localhost ::1

      1. Filename for the key must be wordpress.local.key.pem.
      2. Filename for the cert must be wordpress.local.pem.
      3. Otherwise, you'll need to change the 000-default.conf.
  3. Run mkcert -install in the same dir you executed the command above in order to enable the certs in your host machine browsers.

  4. Move the generated .pem to the path /.docker/wordpress/apache/certs

  5. Run docker compose up --build -d

  6. Lastly, you'll need to add wordpress.local to your operating system's hosts file. See this tutorial to learn how to access them for Linux and Windows.

    1. In Windows, add the two following lines. For Linux, just the first one: wordpress.local
      ::1 wordpress.local
  7. Open wordpress.local in your browser.

  8. Open localhost:8080 to access phpMyAdmin in your browser.

Command to run in wp-plugins for both host user and Docker be allowed to edit the files/folders:

sudo chgrp -R www-data wp-plugins/
sudo find wp-plugins/ -type d -exec chmod 0775 {} \;
sudo find wp-plugins/ -type f -exec chmod 0775 {} \;

About the folders


Docker images used