srd4 / winged

fast curation and prioritization of actionables (and non) to worry only about getting things done.
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Winged: Optimize Thinking, Action, and Curation of Ideas

Winged is a digital platform that originated from the need to optimize the process of jotting down and organizing a plethora of ideas that constantly stream through the mind. It provides a space to not just jot down ideas (referred to as 'items') but also categorize, prioritize, and curate them efficiently. The ultimate goal is to streamline the thinking process and drive actionable steps through a well-organized, AI-assisted curation system.

Technologies Used



Follow the steps in the config.yml file for setting up the project, both backend and frontend. The process includes setting up the PostgreSQL database, installing necessary Python packages from the requirements.txt file, and setting up the Vue.js environment.


Users interact with Winged via a front-end interface, which can be accessed by running the project locally. Th back end server in Django. The interaction is facilitated through Vue.js, providing a dynamic user experience for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on items and containers. Users can categorize items into containers, define spectrums for prioritization, and leverage AI models for automated curation and sorting.

Common Use Cases



While the project is open to community contributions, guidelines are yet to be defined. Interested contributors are encouraged to reach out directly or via GitHub issues.


Run python test in the Django project directory to execute the backend tests. For frontend testing, navigate to the Vue.js project directory and execute npx jest.


For support, users can open a GitHub issue on the repository or reach out through the channels provided on the project portfolio website.

Future Plans