1.4kb GZIPPED Lightweight Javascript Counter
Proudly Hosted On Github Pages
npm i --save @srexi/purecounterjs
In your app.js import and initialize the module like normal.
import PureCounter from "@srexi/purecounterjs";
const pure = new PureCounter();
If you wish to skip the modular build and NOT use npm you can use the vanilla build like so:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@srexi/purecounterjs/dist/purecounter_vanilla.js"></script>
new PureCounter();
Download the [dist/purecounter_vanilla.js]() file(for the minified version) or the [js/purecounter.js]() file (for the prettified) version and include it right before your closing body tag:
<script src="https://github.com/srexi/purecounterjs/raw/main/dist/purecounter_vanilla.js"></script>
new PureCounter();
You can also take the file's contents and paste it into your bundle.js file.
new PureCounter();
// Or you can customize it to override the default config.
// Here is the default configuration for all elements with class 'filesizecount'
new PureCounter({
// Setting that can't' be overriden on pre-element
selector: ".purecounter", // HTML query selector for specific element
// Settings that can be overridden on a per-element basis, by `data-purecounter-*` attributes:
start: 0, // Starting number [uint]
end: 100, // End number [uint]
duration: 2, // The time in seconds for the animation to complete [seconds]
delay: 10, // The delay between each iteration (the default of 10 will produce 100 fps) [miliseconds]
once: true, // Counting at once or recount when the element in view [boolean]
pulse: false, // Repeat count for a certain time [boolean:false|seconds]
decimals: 0, // How many decimal places to show. [uint]
legacy: true, // If this is true it will use the scroll event listener on browsers
filesizing: false, // This will enable/disable File Size format [boolean]
currency: false, // This will enable/disable the Currency format. Use it to set the symbol too [boolean|char|string]
formater: "us-US", // Number toLocaleString locale/format, by default, is "en-US" [string|boolean:false]
separator: false, // This will enable/disable comma separator for thousands. Use it to set the symbol too [boolean|char|string]
To use it add the class: 'purecounter' to an element.
<p>I can count: <span class="purecounter">0</span></p>
Lazy Loading Is Applied Out Of The Box
*You can configure it per element by adding a `data-purecounter-` attribute, here's an example:**
It's over (wait for it):
$9.0 K
.If you do not override the methods default to these values:
start: 0 [uint]
end: 100 [uint]
duration: 2 [seconds|uint]
delay: 10 [milliseconds|uint]
once: true [boolean]
pulse: false [boolean:false|seconds|uint]
decimals: 0 [uint]
legacy: true [boolean]
filesizing: false [boolean]
currency: false [boolean|char|string]
separator: false [boolean|char|string]
selector: '.purecounter' [query selector]