RethinkDB Mass Package Builder
This repo has tools for building RethinkDB on a crapload of platforms. It uses Docker because that's a way to get operating system images and run stuff on them.
Right now, you could run:
# Mac
ruby setup.rb
# Linux
sudo ruby setup.rb
Sudo is only necessary if your docker installation needs it.
In general we will (at some point) want to support kicking off a mass package build for a given rethinkdb git commit. We also want to support kicking off an individual package build for a particular (rethinkdb git commit, platform) pair.
./setup.rb --help
# build packages, test installation, and copy packages for jammy
./setup.rb -c v2.4.3 --v243support --packages --test-pkgs --copy-pkgs --distro jammy
# view rethinkdb_2.4.3~0jammy_amd64.deb
ls artifacts/pkgs
You need Ruby and Docker.
rdbcheckout - clones rethinkdb and fetches the biggest external dependencies. We have this here so we don't have to re-clone and fetch for every platform (a zillion times over).
Keeps the checkout in /rdb
bionic, buster, strech, centos8, et al - dockerfiles for building on specific platforms
Copies /rdb from rdbcheckout to /platform, then does its work.
"DISAPPEND": A TODO item for a build task that should be moved elsewhere. But currently it isn't, to avoid re-fetching and re-building.
In general, these Dockerfiles are developed in an append-only manner, because rebuilding images is really slow. But if and when I have to touch the core file, I'll want to clean up that cruft.