Everything marked with a § is subject to change.
This project aims to build a simple management system for moving companies targeted primarily for small to medium scale companies on the swedish market. The goal is to allow these companies to manage their orders, fleet, materials, route planning, workers and statistics in a simple and efficient manner.
Today, many of these companies use a combination of excel sheets, google calendar, SMS and other tools to manage their business. This project aims to provide a simple, unified and efficient alternative to these tools.
The project is divided into two parts: the backend and the frontend. The backend is written in Typescript§ and uses the Prisma ORM§ to interact with the database. The frontend is written in Vue.js§ and uses the Vuetify UI framework§.
The backend is divided into three parts: the database, the API and the server. The database is a MongoDB§ database hosted on MongoDB Atlas§. The API is a GraphQL§ API hosted on Heroku§. The server is a Node.js§ server hosted on Heroku§.
The frontend is divided into two parts: the client and the server. The client is a Vue.js§ application hosted on Netlify§. The server is a Node.js§ server hosted on Heroku§. The server is used to serve the client and to provide an API for the client to interact with the backend. The server is also used to provide a proxy for the client to interact with the API.
npm install
file in the root directorySrijan's original notes
worker -enrollment (list add remove employees) -leave management ( allocate users to dummy leave order : to be removed while stats . need better tactic ) -order allocation -work order notification
order -quote receive -order scheduling(allocate workers/vehicles and customer tracking) -order tracking( pending orders, manage order status , order allocation )(fetch + update status)
admin/stats -employee management -employee salary calculator -order cost estimation
ORDER lifecycle
recieve quotation + estimate load (worker + vehicle)-> get estimate date and schedule pickup/drop. allocate vehicle and workers -> worker/vehicle notified about order . -> on order date notified to start order from workers and vehicles -> (maybe)check in at pickup location for all workers and vehicles.-> on order completion status updated . payment registered.
er diagram