srivatsj / MyTodoApp

Todo Android app with Node/Mongodb backend
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[Android Bootcamp] Project 1 - Review my app #1

Open srivatsj opened 9 years ago

srivatsj commented 9 years ago

My app is complete, please review. I am working on adding SQLite and other features. Let me know when I can push those changes? Also I was working on the node and mongodb implemetation of the todo app, was not sure if I could use that? @codepathreview @codepath

srivatsj commented 9 years ago

Finished and committed following stories - Persist the todo items into SQLite using ActiveAndroid Improve style of the todo items in the list using a custom cursor adapter Used a DialogFragment for editing and adding items Add support for selecting the priority of each todo item (and display in listview item)

Will work on adding completion due dates and sorting the list based on the due dates. If time permits I will try to add notifications to user about the todo item on the due date.

Please review @codepathreview @codepath

srivatsj commented 9 years ago

Added due dates for todo item and sorting list on due dates. Added date picker to select dates, Also wrote migration script to alter table to add new column.

Please review @codepathreview @codepath

srivatsj commented 9 years ago

Ready for review /cc @codepathreview @codepath

nesquena commented 9 years ago


Looks good! Glad to see you already adding a few of the extensions.

This was intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer to learn all practical Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project.

The next step is to continue working on extensions to your todo app and to schedule a short 5-10 minute phone conversation here. Navigate to today's date and onward from there and choose a 15-minute slot. Let us know if none of those times work.

Once you select a slot, can you make sure to include best number to reach you at? Look forward to chatting soon!

srivatsj commented 9 years ago

I have added facebook integration for login and logout.

Please review @codepathreview @codepath

nesquena commented 9 years ago

Nicely done, great to see you continuing to work on optionals to improve the todo app and thinking up your own.

srivatsj commented 9 years ago

I have added add icon to action bar to add new todo items and changed background color of the Main Activity screen.

Please review @codepathreview @codepath

nidhi1608 commented 9 years ago

Looks good. Glad you were able to work on most of the extensions and now adding UI polish to the app.

srivatsj commented 9 years ago

Added- Saving todo items to mongodb using Restful Express api build on node server. Registering the application with GCM servers asynchronously and storing the deviceId to mongodb. Node cron job to send gcm message about the todo item due for the current date. GcmBroadcastReceiver to listen for messages from GCM and display it as a notification on the device.

Currently commented the cron code, and making an http call to send message from node to GCM server.

Please review @codepathreview @codepath, Thanks.

nidhi1608 commented 9 years ago

:+1: Nice work. Really impressed with your submission so far. Glad you were able to integrate mongodb and also got push notifications working.