srivatsj / MyTodoApp

Todo Android app with Node/Mongodb backend
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This is an Android demo todo application.

Time spent: 24 hours spent in total

Completed user stories:

Required: User can view the list of todos.

Required: User can add a new todo item which is saved in a local file on the device.

Required: User can delete a todo by long clicking on the item.

Required: User can edit a todo item by clicking on the item. This was done by launching a new intent and passing data to launched intent and returning data result to parent activity.

Optional: Used string.xml to store 'edit item below' label value

Optional: Persist the todo items into SQLite using ActiveAndroid

Optional: Improve style of the todo items in the list using a custom cursor adapter

Optional: Used a DialogFragment for editing and adding items

Optional: Add support for selecting the priority of each todo item

Optional: Added date picker for due dates and sorted list based on due dates and display in listview item

Optional: Added Facebook login and logout using facebook-android SDK

Optional: Added Add icon to action bar and changed background color of Main activity

Optional: Saving todo items to mongodb using Restful Express api build on node server.

Optional: Registering the application with GCM servers asynchronously and storing the deviceId to mongodb.

Optional: Node cron job to send gcm message about the todo item due for the current date.

Optional: GcmBroadcastReceiver to listen for messages from GCM and display it as a notification on the device.

Walkthrough of all user stories:

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