srobo / nemesis

User management web interface
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Consider usage of a standard ORM #11

Open trickeydan opened 3 years ago

trickeydan commented 3 years ago

nemesis.sqlitewrapper.KeyedSqliteThing looks like a basic implementation of an ORM.

We could reduce the amount of code we need to maintain by replacing this with an ORM library, such as SQLAlchemy.

PeterJCLaw commented 3 years ago

Yes, definitely. At the moment nemesis has very minimal requirements, in part because it dates from a time before virtualenvs being popular (and possibly even possible, I can't recall when they first appeared) and getting dependencies installed on the deployment server was a bit complicated because (I think) this also pre-dates us having the config puppetised.

PeterJCLaw commented 3 years ago

As an aside: I've actually been considering rebuilding nemesis based on Django as that would get us a lot of stuff for free.