srobo / nemesis

User management web interface
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This is Nemesis, a system for allowing team leaders running teams for the Student Robotics (SR) competition to administrate the user accounts of the team (including their own).


Please file issues using the GitHub issues for the canonical repo.

For actual changes, please make pull requests on GitHub against the srobo fork and ping @PeterJCLaw for review.

Development on a clone of the deployment server

  1. Get an srobo dev server from
  2. You've got nemesis in /srv/nemesis
  3. Run the current set of valid tests using the ./run-tests script.
  4. There are some obsolete javascript client tests in test/client-tests. In theory, the dependencies could be installed with ./, see the readme in the same directory to run the tests.

Once you've greenlit all the tests, make some changes, go wild!

Development server (recommended)

In this mode you can either:

To run the server locally you'll need to install:

Configuring the LDAP server to use is done by adding a local.ini within the within the srusers submodule of the libnemesis submodule.

There's then a development mode server which you can run:

python nemesis/

which shows stack traces when things go wrong, and will auto-reload when you make code changes.

You'll also need to create the sqlite DB manually, which can be done using:


Note that this will only create the DB if it's missing, and not update it or remove it. As a result, if the schema changes the DB must be manually removed & re-created.