srobo / nemesis

User management web interface
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Use libnemesis as a Python module rather than a submodule #12

Open trickeydan opened 3 years ago

trickeydan commented 3 years ago

This would mean that we don't have to bump the submodule reference, or munge the Python path. Munging of the Python path is generally not recommended.

Probably best to package both, with the potential to publish to PyPI

PeterJCLaw commented 3 years ago

The gotcha here is that we'd also need to do the same to the srusers library, which libnemesis depends on, and srusers is very definitely not designed for that. It makes a whole bunch of assumptions about how it's configured with regards to config files being placed inside it's code.

I've actually been long wanting to move away from srusers in favour of an actual LDAP ORM (if I recall correctly, there's a pure-Python LDAP library which provides this), but haven't gotten around to it.