srobo / nemesis

User management web interface
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Upgrade to Python 3 #5

Closed PeterJCLaw closed 4 years ago

PeterJCLaw commented 4 years ago

Python 2 reaches end of life this year (specifically 2020-01-01). In order to continue getting security updates (etc.), we need to be running on Python 3.

When upgrading we should ensure wide support for the components remains, which likely means targeting the a version of Python 3 which is widely installed by default. Choosing the version in Debian stable (currently "stretch") seems a good choice here, so let's stick to supporting Python 3.5 and above.

Now that this repo (and libnemesis) have CI and easy LDAP setup, this is much more achievable.

This task naturally includes upgrading both libnemesis and srusers.

PeterJCLaw commented 4 years ago

Nemesis in production is now Python 3 :tada:. The change has also resolved some outstanding Unicode issues too.