This app detects cars/buses in a live traffic at a phenomenal 50 frames/sec with HD resolution (1920x1080) using deep learning network Yolo-V2. The model used in the app is optimized for inferencing performnce on AMD-GPUs using MIVisionX toolkit.
App starts the demo, if no other option is provided. Demo uses a video stored in the media/ dir.
% ./
('Loaded', 'yoloOpenVX')
OK: loaded 22 kernels from
OK: OpenVX using GPU device#0 (gfx900) [OpenCL 1.2 ] [SvmCaps 0 1]
OK: annCreateInference: successful
Processed a total of 102 frames
OK: OpenCL buffer usage: 87771380, 46/46
Here is the link to YouTube video detecting cars, bounding boxes, car speed, and confidence scores.
recorded video
- ./ --video
traffic cam ip
- ./ --cam_ip ''
% git clone
1. Model Conversion
This steps downloads yolov2-tiny for voc dataset and converts to MIVision's openVX model.
% cd trafficVision/model
% bash ./
More details on the pre-requisite (like caffe) of the model conversion in the models/ dir.
2. MIVision Model Compilation
% cd trafficVision
% make
3. Test App
% cd trafficVision
% make test
It'll display detection all videos in media/ dir.
This section is a guide for developers, who would like to port vision and object detections models to AMD's Radeon GPUs from other frameworks including tensorflow, caffe or pytorch.
These lower level modules can be found as python modules (files) or packages (directories) in this repository.
Follow model conversion process similar to the one described below.
Make sure you've infrastructure pre-requisites installed before you start porting neural network model for inferencing.