[ ] sends correct waypoints to ActionServer (0,0,0)
[ ] the drone flies to home coords (0,0,0)
[ ] the drone lands at home coordinates
[ ] the BT terminates after leaf sets BB var. representing homecoming
[x] planner node terminates if any behavior returns FAILURE that isn't supposed to do so (e.g., in "Search victim" subtree movement or sending waypoint to control node fails)
[x] In case the movement related part doesn't work as expected give option to specify path before starting the behavior tree.
[x] add new constant in .env file for planner package to be used if we want to specify waypoints interactively
[x] create new function to create behavior tree for the case of interactive waypoints
[x] create class that will be called at the initialization point of planner node and will fetch the waypoints specified by the user
[x] save the specified waypoints in suitable data structure
See also related issues.
file for planner package to be used if we want to specify waypoints interactively