srothh / ppmrob

ROS drone control
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Initial docker setup

To run use:

docker compose up --build

This defaults to 1 victim, change NUMBER_OF_VICTIMS=<value> in docker_planner_vars.env for different number of victims.

To exit

Send Ctrl+C or run:

docker compose down

For further development

# in catkin workspace (i.e., ppmrob)
catkin_make # compile
source devel/setup.bash # update the workspace environment

When successful you should be able to run, e.g., roscd <package>.

Creating a ROS package

For a package to be considered a catkin package it must meet a few requirements:

  1. catkin compliant package.xml
  2. CMakeLists.txt which uses catkin
  3. have its own folder

    workspace_folder/        -- WORKSPACE
      src/                   -- SOURCE SPACE
        CMakeLists.txt       -- 'Toplevel' CMake file, provided by catkin
          CMakeLists.txt     -- CMakeLists.txt file for package_1
          package.xml        -- Package manifest for package_1
          CMakeLists.txt     -- CMakeLists.txt file for package_n
          package.xml        -- Package manifest for package_n

Project file structure as a tree (find more info here):
catkin workspace file system

Custom nodes

  1. CreatingPackage
  2. Add Dockerfile to the package folder
  3. Add the node/service to the docker-compose.yml file