sryza / spark-timeseries

A library for time series analysis on Apache Spark
Apache License 2.0
1.19k stars 427 forks source link

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Time Series for Spark (The spark-ts Package)

A Scala / Java / Python library for interacting with time series data on Apache Spark.

Post questions and comments to the Google group, or email them directly to

Note: The spark-ts library is no longer under active development by me (Sandy). I unfortunately no longer have bandwidth to develop features, answer all questions on the mailing list, or fix all bugs that are filed.

That said, I remain happy to review pull requests and do whatever I can to aid others in advancing the library.

Docs are available at

Or check out the Scaladoc, Javadoc, or Python doc.

The aim here is to provide

The library sits on a few other excellent Java and Scala libraries.

Using this Repo


We use Maven for building Java / Scala. To compile, run tests, and build jars:

mvn package

To run Python tests (requires nose):

cd python
export SPARK_HOME=<location of local Spark installation>


To run a spark-shell with spark-ts and its dependencies on the classpath:

spark-shell --jars target/sparkts-$VERSION-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar


To publish docs, easiest is to clone a separate version of this repo in some location we'll refer to as DOCS_REPO. Then:

# Build main doc
mvn site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false

# Build scaladoc
mvn scala:doc

# Build javadoc
mvn javadoc:javadoc

# Build Python doc
cd python
export SPARK_HOME=<location of local Spark installation>
make html
cd ..

cp -r target/site/* $DOCS_REPO
cp -r python/build/html/ $DOCS_REPO/pydoc
git checkout gh-pages
git add -A
git commit -m "Some message that includes the hash of the relevant commit in master"
git push origin gh-pages

To build a Python source distribution, first build with Maven, then:

cp target/sparkts-$VERSION-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar python/sparkts/
cd python
python sdist

To release Java/Scala packages (based on

mvn -Darguments="-DskipTests" -DreleaseVersion=$VERSION \
    -DdevelopmentVersion=$VERSION-SNAPSHOT release:prepare

mvn -s private-settings.xml -Darguments="-DskipTests" release:perform

To release Python packages (based on

python register -r pypi
python sdist upload -r pypi