ssammileex / Mystery_Mansion

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An example that offers ideas on how to get started with a JavaScript-based HTML5 text adventure game.

Title: The Mysterious Mansion
Opening: Characters:
Four Best Friends:
grounds keeper
Background: Venturing through the woods is a weekly occurrence for you and your friends. You all have been best friends since you can remember. All four of you knew the the wood like the back of your hand. It is a cool, Autumn day, something out of the ordinary catches your attention. You squint your eyes really hard and can just make out the outline of a house. You turn to your friends and say, “That is weird. I think I see a house up ahead, I thought we knew every inch of these woods.” When you reach the front door the sign says, “DO NOT ENTER.” But, you fail to read it and push open the front door.

Setting: It is fall. The house is old and disheveled. The house consist of 12 rooms. The kitchen, dinning room, living room, setting room, 7 bedrooms, and large empty room. There is also a small graveyard in the backyard. There is also a basement that will not be discovered until late in the game. There will also be a hidden underground shed that will not be revealed until the end of the game.

Entities: Ghost found in the living room chimney.A journal in one of the bedrooms. Knives from the kitchen. A broken mirror in another bedroom. A hidden safe in the hallway behind a self photo. Keys hidden in the old china in the dinning room. Matches found on the mantel in the living room. Wood outside. Chest in the basement. A map inside of the chest. Rope found outside. Grounds keeper trying to get them to stay away. Weird voices coming from the basement. A dead body found in the hidden shed.

Actions: Jump, climb, light on fire, unlock, pickup, run, walk, scream, tackle

Ending: When they finally discover the hidden shed, they discover the dead body. Also in the hidden shed was another ghost waiting to be reunited with her husband who was in the living room chimney. When the two ghosts reached each other, they left the house for good allowing people to refurbish it and finally live inside knowing it is no longer haunted.