sshort1996 / Silica

MIT License
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Silica CLI

A CLI tool for managing Obsidian notes via neovim. WIP.


Clone the directory, then compile using gcc -Iutils -o build/main src/main.c utils/utils.c -lreadline (unless I've decided to commit the executable this time). Then move the resulting executable into /usr/local/bin or similar on MacOS, or any other directory either on system PATH, or add your own. Give execute permissions on the executable with sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/obs.


Tool has four options currently (more to be added): info

obs config is used to initially set the location of your obsidian vault, and your OpenAI API key (to be used for parsing file contents and renaming files). masked_config

obs list will list any notes associated with the current working directory. If the current working directory is a git repository then this will be under a path like /<git organisation/user>/<repository name>. Otherwise it will be under /temp. If we use obsidian for storing the vault then an automatically created welcome file will also be created in your vault. welcome_file Which when closed will be renamed as: listing-renamkd

obs add will create a new note in either /temp or the git path. The contents of the file will be passed to the file_parsing method, which uses your OpenAI key to parse the contents of the file and rename it (this is now handled by the obs clean option so that we can keep sensitive notes out of OpenAI's hands).

obs edit <filename> is used to edit a previously existing note in the current working directory. This option uses the readline tool to give auto-complete suggestions for the file paths in the target directory. edit

Features in progress