ssm-lang / Scoria

This is an embedding of the Sparse Synchronous Model, in Haskell!
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Embedded DSL for the Sparse Synchronous Model

This repository contains an embedding of the Sparse Synchronous Model. There is a lot of hacking and experimenting happening currently so some things might look wierd!


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The intention is that users of the language will be guided into not doing malicious things, such as constructing illegal terms or programs. Users will get access to the primitives to write programs by importing the module SSM in their files.

The API exposed by the frontend module at the moment is the following:

There are three types that represents the kind of values that we can construct. They are references, expressions and literals. The polymorphic type a indicates what type the expression has. E.g Exp Int represents an integer expression, and Exp Word8 represents an expression of an unsigned 8bit integer.

newtype Ref a = ...
newtype Exp a = ...
newtype Lit a = ...

To be able to write literals such as 2 and having them be promoted to e.g something of type Exp Int, we use a type class.

class FromLiteral a where
instance FromLiteral Int where
instance FromLiteral Int64 where
instance FromLiteral Word64 where
instance FromLiteral Word8 where

With this instance (which is not exported, users are not intended to use it directly), we can implement a Num instance for expressions. If we now write e.g 2 + 5 :: Exp Word8 it will be turned into an expression in our language. Note that since for arithmetic operators we use Haskell's Num instance, we can not add boolean expressions together etc.

instance (Num a, FromLiteral a, SSMType a) => Num (Exp a) where

When a program is either interpreted or compiled we need to be able to apply it. Let's say that we have written the program myfib which has the type Exp Int -> Ref Int -> SSM (), and we want to interpret this. We need to apply that function to two values before we get an SSM () that we can interpret. For this we have created an inputref value which essentially says that this is an input reference to the main entrypoint of the program. You would now apply it like this: myfib 13 inputref :: SSM ().

inputref :: forall a. SSMType a => Ref a

We can assign expressions to variables and expressions to references, and to be able to expose a single function which does both we use a type class. This is one of the points where the frontend can be further improved. The type does specify that the assignment operation must be well typed, which is nice, but e.g the expression that is receiving the new value must of course be a variable, but that is not expressed in the type. As we discussed with Koen, when we have DSL's we have two phases of typechecking. First we have Haskells phase, and then that of the DSL. Making sure that we are assigning a value to a variable is something that we very easily can do in the second phase, but doing it in the first phase would require us to add some additional information in the type of Exp. I am of the feeling that this would clutter the types unecessarily and make them look very scary, and that it might be better to leave it to phase two. We can implement both ways and see what we think though! This change would only affect the frontend, so none of the other compiler phases would need to be altered.

class Assignable a b where
instance Assignable (Exp a) (Exp a) where
instance Assignable (Ref a) (Exp a) where

Two operators for comparing expressions. I am not sure we can use the regular Eq or Ord instances here. E.g (==) :: a -> a -> Bool would in our case be (==) :: Exp a -> Exp a -> Bool, meaning that to implement this function we would need to go from our expression language to a normal Bool in the Haskell language. We can not do this until we are interpreting an expression, unless the expression only contains literals (which we don't know at this point).

(<.)  :: (Num a, SSMType a) => Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp Bool
(==.) :: SSMType a => Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp Bool

We can negate numeric expressions. Here we can (but we don't right now) use an additional constraint to specify that only signed integer types can be negated. This is very trivial to add.

neg        :: (Num a, SSMType a) => Exp a -> Exp a

Usually by writing something like 2 Haskell can infer what type the a in Exp a can be, but if for some reason not enough type information exists to be able to make the inference, these function create the expression explicitly instead.

int        :: Int -> Exp Int
int64      :: Int64 -> Exp Int64
uint64     :: Word64 -> Exp Word64
word8      :: Word8 -> Exp Word8

Boolean literals.

true'      :: Exp Bool
false'     :: Exp Bool

Event literal.

event'     :: Exp ()

Now, when we are writing our programs we need to be able to collect the sequence of statements that make up a program. We use a custom monad to do this, SSM a. The frontend is designed such that a user will not have to care anything about this monad, only use its monad instance, return & (>>=). Internally this monad maintains a list of statements collected so far, a counter used to generate fresh names and so on.

To create variables you use the var combinator. It needs an expression that represents the references initial value. We can get access to references only in two ways; either we get them as a parameter to our function or we create them with var. I think of var references as local references. They are deallocated then a procedures terminates, while the ones given as arguments are not deallocated. All references in a program is created either with var, or are given to the program in some main entrypoint with inputref.

var        :: Exp a -> SSM (Ref a)
deref      :: Ref a -> SSM (Exp a)

We can wait for any reference in a list of references to receive a write. This is a place where we need to think of something clever. Right now there is an a in the type of wait, meaning that it must unify with one type during typechecking. This function can not wait of references of different types! The underlying AST representation of wait does not have this limitation, so it's only in the frontend. You can use HLists but then there would need to be some wrapping and unwrapping, which will clutter the code. I need to discuss this with Koen to figure out a nice way of doing this.

wait       :: [Ref a] -> SSM ()

You can schedule a future write to a variable with after. You must supply units of time to the duration by using time constructor helpers (e.g. nsecs 15, secs 45).

after      :: SSMTime -> Ref a -> Exp a -> SSM ()

You can fork processes with fork. A very nice thing here is that the things we fork are just applied functions! No need to use some fancy machinery, just normal Haskell function application.

fork       :: [SSM ()] -> SSM ()

To see if a variable has been written to in the current instant we can use changed.

changed    :: Ref a -> Exp Bool

Conditional executions. The if' might have an else. It might look neater to just make two functions here instead, like ifThen and ifThenElse.

if'        :: Exp Bool -> SSM () -> Maybe (SSM ()) -> SSM ()
while'     :: Exp Bool -> SSM () -> SSM ()

Since this is a EDSL we can very easily add derived operators! Since wait takes a list of references and waits for a write to any of them, we might also want an operator that waits for all of the references.

waitSingle :: Ref a -> SSM ()
waitSingle = box "waitSingle" ["r"] $ \r -> wait [r]

waitAll :: [Ref a] -> SSM ()
waitAll refs = fork $ map waitSingle refs

Furthermore, there are two functions exposed. compile & interpret. They will be described further down.

Writing Programs

To write a program a user needs to create a Haskell module and import the frontend.

module Fib where
import SSM

In Stephen's paper there is a very interesting version of computing fibonacci numbers. First we need to create the mywait function that takes a single reference and waits for it.

mywait :: Ref Int -> SSM ()
mywait = box "mywait" ["r"] $ \r -> do
  wait [r]

We use a function box :: String -> [String] -> (a -> SSM ()) -> (a -> SSM ()) to to tell the SSM monad that this is a new, separate procedure that other procedures can fork. The first argument is the name of the procedure, and the second argument is a list of the argument names. Right now we need to do this manually, but if we have written something like this instead

mywait r = wait [r]

all the information is essentially already there to transform it to the version that uses box. It should definitely be possible to write a simple compiler plugin that does this. We'll see what we do! For now we need to write it ourselves :)

Then we need to add the mysum procedure, which takes three references. It will wait for the first two references to be written to and then write their sum to the third reference after 1 second. We use our waitAll combinator to wait for all the references.

mysum :: Ref Int -> Ref Int -> Ref Int -> SSM ()
mysum = box "mysum" ["r1", "r2", "r"] $ \r1 r2 r -> do
    waitAll [r1,r2]
    v1 <- deref r1
    v2 <- deref r2
    after (secs 1) r (v1 + v2)

Lastly we have the myfib procedure itself. We use var to create two local references which we can then share with forked processes. Some nice things is that we can use ordinary integer literals and have them automatically be promoted to the proper Exp a variant. Forking processes is simply normal Haskell function application, so there's no need to use some special operator to apply arguments to procedures.

myfib :: Exp Int -> Ref Int -> SSM ()
myfib = box "myfib" ["n", "r"] $ \n r -> do
    r1 <- var 0 
    r2 <- var 0
    if' (n <. 2)
            (after (secs 1) r 1)
            (Just (fork [ myfib (n - 1) r1
                        , myfib (n - 2) r2
                        , mysum r1 r2 r

If we want to prettyprint the program above we can use prettyPrint :: Program -> String.

> putStrLn $ prettyPrint $ myfib 13 inputref
  myfib(13, r)

myfib(int n, *int r) {
  int v0 = var 0
  int v1 = var 0
  if((n < 2)) {
    after 1 SSMSecond then r = 1
  } else {
    fork [myfib((n - 1), v0), myfib((n - 2), v1), mysum(v0, v1, r)]

mysum(*int r1, *int r2, *int r) {
  fork [waitSingle(r1), waitSingle(r2)]
  int v0 = *r1
  int v1 = *r2
  after 1 SSMSecond then r = (v0 + v1)

waitSingle(*int r) {
  wait [r]

This looks nice and is very readable, but it's a shame that the variable names we chose in myfib, namely r1 and r2, are not in the generated code. Fortunately for us, a colleague of Koen, Joel & I (Agustin Mista) has written a plugin that will capture names created by monadic do expressions. The plugin runs before typechecking and transforms expressions such as

do a <- ma
   b <- mb
   return (a + b)


do a <- ma `annotateM` (Just "a", {- some additional location information -})
   b <- mb `annotateM` (Just "b", {- some additional location information -})
   return (a + b)

We can enable this plugin in our file by importing a file and enabling a GHC option. Agustin says he will make the plugin also insert the import statement in the future, so you'll only have to enable the GHC option in the future. Our file now begins like this

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin BinderAnn.Monadic #-}
module Fib where

import BinderAnn.Monadic
import SSM

and the prettyprinter will now output this code

> putStrLn $ prettyPrint $ myfib 13 inputref
  myfib(13, r)

myfib(int n, *int r) {
  int r1 = var 0
  int r2 = var 0
  if((n < 2)) {
    after 1 SSMSecond then r = 1
  } else {
    fork [myfib((n - 1), r1), myfib((n - 2), r2), mysum(r1, r2, r)]

mysum(*int r1, *int r2, *int r) {
  fork [waitSingle(r1), waitSingle(r2)]
  int v1 = *r1
  int v2 = *r2
  after 1 SSMSecond then r = (v1 + v2)

waitSingle(*int r) {
  wait [r]

Interpreting Programs

If you wrote your own program in e.g Foo.hs and run stack repl followed by :load Foo.hs, that load instruction will nuke the other loads that already happened. To run the interpreter or code generator it is necessary to load them again :load LowInterpreter.hs, LowCodeGen.hs. I will make an 'export-all' file soon, that will replace Frontend.hs.

The interpreter has type interpret :: Program -> Output. The output is a trace of the actions it's taken. At the end it will print the result of any input references, such as the inputref in myfib 13 inputref. Running the interpreter and printing the output nicely is done like this.

> putStrLn $ unlines $ map show $ interpret $ myfib 5 inputref
Fork ["myfib","myfib","mysum"]
Fork ["myfib","myfib","mysum"]
Fork ["myfib","myfib","mysum"]
Fork ["myfib","myfib","mysum"]
Fork ["waitSingle","waitSingle"]
Fork ["waitSingle","waitSingle"]
Fork ["myfib","myfib","mysum"]
Fork ["waitSingle","waitSingle"]
Fork ["waitSingle","waitSingle"]
Fork ["myfib","myfib","mysum"]
Fork ["myfib","myfib","mysum"]
Fork ["waitSingle","waitSingle"]
Fork ["waitSingle","waitSingle"]
Fork ["waitSingle","waitSingle"]
Instant 0 8
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Event 1 (Lit TInt (LInt 1))
Instant 1 3
Event 2 (Lit TInt (LInt 2))
Event 2 (Lit TInt (LInt 2))
Event 2 (Lit TInt (LInt 2))
Instant 2 2
Event 3 (Lit TInt (LInt 3))
Event 3 (Lit TInt (LInt 3))
Instant 3 1
Event 4 (Lit TInt (LInt 5))
Instant 4 1
Event 5 (Lit TInt (LInt 8))
Instant 5 0
Result "r" (Lit TInt (LInt 8))

The Instant i1 i2 constructor means that instant i2 just finished executing and that there are i2 events in the eventqueue.

Compiling Programs

The compiler has type compile :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Program -> String. The first argument is a bool that says if you want it to also generate a main function i C that can be used to run the program. If the compiled program is compiled with the -DDEBUG flag it will also produce a trace like the interpreter. The second argument specifies if you want to limit the execution time of the program to some number of trace items, or if you want to let it run indefinitely. Compiling the myfib program is done like this

writeFile "fib.c" $ compile True (Just 2500) $ myfib 13 inputref

and then in fib.c we'll find this code

#include "peng-platform.h"
#include "peng.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef DEBUG
#include <stdint.h>
uint64_t limit = 2500;
typedef struct {
    sv_int_t n;
    sv_int_t* r;
    sv_int_t r1;
    sv_int_t r2;
} act_myfib_t;

typedef struct {
    sv_int_t* r1;
    sv_int_t* r2;
    sv_int_t* r;
    sv_int_t v1;
    sv_int_t v2;
} act_mysum_t;

typedef struct {
    sv_int_t* r;
    trigger_t trig1;
} act_waitSingle_t;

act_myfib_t* enter_myfib(act_t* caller, uint32_t priority, uint8_t depth, int n, sv_int_t* r);
void step_myfib(act_t* gen_act);

act_mysum_t* enter_mysum(act_t* caller, uint32_t priority, uint8_t depth, sv_int_t* r1, sv_int_t* r2, sv_int_t* r);
void step_mysum(act_t* gen_act);

act_waitSingle_t* enter_waitSingle(act_t* caller, uint32_t priority, uint8_t depth, sv_int_t* r);
void step_waitSingle(act_t* gen_act);

act_myfib_t* enter_myfib(act_t* caller, uint32_t priority, uint8_t depth, int n, sv_int_t* r) {
    act_myfib_t* act = (act_myfib_t*) enter(sizeof(act_myfib_t), step_myfib, caller, priority, depth);
    assign_int(&act->n, act->priority, n);
    act->r = r;
    return act;

act_mysum_t* enter_mysum(act_t* caller, uint32_t priority, uint8_t depth, sv_int_t* r1, sv_int_t* r2, sv_int_t* r) {
    act_mysum_t* act = (act_mysum_t*) enter(sizeof(act_mysum_t), step_mysum, caller, priority, depth);
    act->r1 = r1;
    act->r2 = r2;
    act->r = r;
    return act;

act_waitSingle_t* enter_waitSingle(act_t* caller, uint32_t priority, uint8_t depth, sv_int_t* r) {
    act_waitSingle_t* act = (act_waitSingle_t*) enter(sizeof(act_waitSingle_t), step_waitSingle, caller, priority, depth);
    act->r = r;
    act->trig1.act = (act_t *) act;
    return act;

void step_myfib(act_t* gen_act) {
    act_myfib_t* act = (act_myfib_t*) gen_act;
    switch(act->pc) {
        case 0:
            assign_int(&act->r1, act->priority, 0);
            assign_int(&act->r2, act->priority, 0);
            if (!((act->n.value < 2))) goto L0;
            later_int(act->r, now + 1 * SSM_SECOND, 1);
            goto L1;

            DEBUG_PRINT("fork myfib myfib mysum\n");
                uint8_t new_depth = act->depth - 2;
                if((int8_t) new_depth < 0) {
                uint32_t pinc = 1 << new_depth;
                uint32_t new_priority = act->priority;
                fork_routine((act_t *) enter_myfib((act_t *) act, new_priority, new_depth, (act->n.value - 1), &act->r1));
                new_priority += pinc;
                fork_routine((act_t *) enter_myfib((act_t *) act, new_priority, new_depth, (act->n.value - 2), &act->r2));
                new_priority += pinc;
                fork_routine((act_t *) enter_mysum((act_t *) act, new_priority, new_depth, &act->r1, &act->r2, act->r));
            act->pc = 1;
        case 1:

        case 2:
        leave((act_t *) act, sizeof(act_myfib_t));

void step_mysum(act_t* gen_act) {
    act_mysum_t* act = (act_mysum_t*) gen_act;
    switch(act->pc) {
        case 0:
            DEBUG_PRINT("fork waitSingle waitSingle\n");
                uint8_t new_depth = act->depth - 1;
                if((int8_t) new_depth < 0) {
                uint32_t pinc = 1 << new_depth;
                uint32_t new_priority = act->priority;
                fork_routine((act_t *) enter_waitSingle((act_t *) act, new_priority, new_depth, act->r1));
                new_priority += pinc;
                fork_routine((act_t *) enter_waitSingle((act_t *) act, new_priority, new_depth, act->r2));
            act->pc = 1;
        case 1:
            assign_int(&act->v1, act->priority, act->r1->value);
            assign_int(&act->v2, act->priority, act->r2->value);
            later_int(act->r, now + 1 * SSM_SECOND, (act->v1.value + act->v2.value));
        case 2:
        leave((act_t *) act, sizeof(act_mysum_t));

void step_waitSingle(act_t* gen_act) {
    act_waitSingle_t* act = (act_waitSingle_t*) gen_act;
    switch(act->pc) {
        case 0:
            sensitize((sv_t *)act->r, &act->trig1);
            act->pc = 1;
        case 1:
        case 2:
        leave((act_t *) act, sizeof(act_waitSingle_t));

void top_return(act_t* act) {

void main() {

    act_t top = { .step = top_return };
    sv_int_t r;
    r.value = 0;
    fork_routine((act_t *) enter_myfib(&top, PRIORITY_AT_ROOT, DEPTH_AT_ROOT, 13, &r));
    DEBUG_PRINT("now %lu eventqueuesize %d\n", now, event_queue_len);
    while(1) {
        now = next_event_time();
        if(now == NO_EVENT_SCHEDULED)
        DEBUG_PRINT("now %lu eventqueuesize %d\n", now, event_queue_len);
    printf("result r int %d\n", r.value);

The DEBUG_PRINT method is in peng.h and looks like this

#ifdef DEBUG
extern uint64_t debug_count;
extern uint64_t limit;
#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) {     \
    if(debug_count >= limit) { \
      exit(1);                 \
    }                          \
    debug_count++;             \
    printf(__VA_ARGS__);       \
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x) while(0) {}

Testing Programs

So this is something that I am hacking on right now, so these things change quite fast. However, I've written a function testSingle :: Program -> Maybe Int -> IO Report that takes a program, a trace length (if any) and returns an IO Report. The Report type exists in Evaluation.hs. It will report on some different types of errors (compilation errors, execution errors, parse errors etc). testSingle will take the program and run both the generated c code and the interpreter and compare the traces. If they are equal Good is returned, and otherwise some different variants of errors are returned. If I run this

do r <- testSingle (transpile (myfib 5 inputref)) (Just 10000)
   print r 
   return ()

it will print Good, which means the test was successful. Now, this only means that the interpreter and the code generator does the same thing. We still pray that they do the right thing ;) In Spec.hs there's a property that generates random programs and runs this test for all of them. You can run the tests by issuing stack test.