ssnam92 / KSPies

Kohn-Sham Python-based inversion Evaluation Software
Apache License 2.0
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Kohn-Sham Python-based inversion Evaluation Software

Documentaiton: DOI for Code:

This package simplifies evaluating Kohn-Sham inversion potentials and densities for use in the quantum chemistry. In addition to documentation of the scientific code, this site includes information on installation, setup, use, and examples of use to equip quantum chemists and physicists with this useful toolkit. Please let us know if you have further questions, suggestions, or ideas.


Citing KSPies

KS-pies: Kohn–Sham inversion toolkit, S. Nam, R. J. McCarty, H. Park, E. Sim, J. Chem. Phys. 154, 124122 (2021);