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A simple command-line utility for manipulating the endianness of (A.K.A. byte-swapping) Nintendo 64 save data so it can be moved between various cartridge-dumping tools, emulators, flash cartridges, etc.
Also usable for swapping other formats if the --force-padding
switch is
used to disable size checks. (With the caveat that it will load the entire file
into memory and make copies.)
Very loosely based on saturnu's
ED64-Saveswap <http://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=1396.0>
_ because I was
feeling wary about virus-scanner false positives and wanted something I didn't
have to run in Wine to use on Linux.
For basic conversion of a save memory dump file, the default settings should do perfectly well and usage is as follows:
Python runtime <https://www.python.org/downloads/>
with the path to the save dump as its argument.On Windows, that may look like this:
) in that directory.saveswap.py NAME_OF_DUMP_FILE
C:\Users\Me> cd Desktop
C:\Users\Me\Desktop> saveswap.py MyNintendyGame.eep
For more advanced functions, please consult the --help
usage: saveswap.py [-h] [--version] [-v] [-q]
[--swap-mode {both,bytes-only,words-only}]
[--force-padding NEW_SIZE]
path [path ...]
A simple utility to translate among the SRAM/EEPROM/Flash dump formats for
Nintendo 64 cartridges as supported by various dumpers, emulators, and flash
positional arguments:
path One or more Nintendo 64 save memory dumps
to byte-swap
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose Increase the verbosity. Use twice for extra effect.
-q, --quiet Decrease the verbosity. Use twice for extra effect.
--swap-mode {both,bytes-only,words-only}
Set the type of byte-swapping to be performed.
--force-padding NEW_SIZE
Override autodetected padding size. This also
disables the associated safety checks, allowing
this tool to be used on other types of files.
Specify 0 to disable padding entirely.
--no-backup Disable creation of an automatic backup. This is
intended to be used by scripts which want
more control over whether and where backups
are created.
The swap modes behave as follows:
both: 12 34 -> 43 21
bytes-only: 12 34 -> 21 43
words-only: 12 34 -> 34 12
The valid padding sizes for N64 save dumps are as follows:
===== EEPROM =====
512 ( 4kbit)
2048 ( 16kbit)
====== SRAM ======
32768 (256kbit)
131072 ( 1Mbit)
===== Flash ======
131072 ( 1Mbit)
For scripting purposes, the exit code will indicate the most
serious error encountered, with the following meanings:
0 = Success
10 = Could not read file / Could not write backup
20 = File is too large to be an N64 save dump
30 = File size is not a multiple of the requested swap increment