sspnyc / news-feed

creating a curated news feed from social networks
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This News Feeder is designed to bring Twitter feeds to people that are relevant and pertain to the topics that you love in news, movies,TV, gaming and more....

For each topic, there will be sought out experts and those closest to the subject matter to put in one feed to view.

The client wants to update the feed app (twitter feeds). They would like to add YouTube Instagram and Vine feeds. I have agreed to recreate the app. The present app is difficult to update due to the client using three separate non-programmer frameworks to create the app.


The BingeFeed persona is a lurker


The following is what I was able to complete so far.
I still need to:

Old Viewer

The present news feed app is a great resource but needs to look more attractive to the viewer.
It is a phone app and web app that pulls up curated twitter feeds. You can only access through
dropdown menus which can feel tedious
Old Viewer Home Page


Old Viewer dropdown menu


New Viewer

Will use jquery mobile update the look of the app.
The a clickable menu appears
rather than a dropdown menu
New Viewer Home Page click menu


New Viewer chosen click submenu


New Viewer Chosen from sub menu feeds from twitter api


YouTube Viewer

youtube viewer page from youtube api
