ssrg-vt / popcorn-chameleon

Secure Popcorn Linux runtime state transformation framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

Secure Popcorn Linux / Chameleon runtime monitoring & state transformation framework

Chameleon is a userspace framework for dynamic and secure application memory transformation. Chameleon leverages existing OS primitives (i.e., ptrace, userfaultfd) and transforms the target application from outside of the target. We use Chameleon to re-randomize the target application's stack slots in a timely fashion, preventing attackers from injecting malicious payloads and launching attacks against vulnerable applications.



Before installing Chameleon, we need to install some dependencies for CRIU/libcompel. On ubuntu 18.04, you can install them with:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev libprotobuf-c0-dev protobuf-c-compiler protobuf-compiler python-protobuf pkg-config libbsd-dev libcap-dev

For other Linux distribution, you can refer here.

We also need to install several pieces of open source software. For the following directions we'll refer to the installation directory as the directory where supporting software is installed (and the final built Chameleon executable should you choose to install it). The directions default to using /usr/local/chameleon as the installation directory. Additionally, we'll refer to Chameleon's repository, which is the location where you've cloned popcorn-chameleon. The directions default to ~/popcorn-chameleon as the repository's location.

Tip: if you use /usr/local/chameleon as the installation directory, change the directory's ownership permissions so you don't have to be root to install software there.


DynamoRIO is a dynamic binary instrumentation platform. While Chameleon doesn't use DynamoRIO's instrumentation tools, it does use DynamoRIO as a standalone disassembler/re-assembler. Install DynamoRIO by doing the following:

$ ls /usr/local/chameleon
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  bin32  bin64  cmake  docs  drmemory  dynamorio  ext  include  lib32  lib64  License.txt  logs  README  samples  tools


libcompel is a library that facilitates creating and injecting code called parasites into applications controlled by ptrace. libcompel is released as part of CRIU; we don't use any other part of CRIU, however. Install libcompel by doing the following:

$ ls ~/
$ cd popcorn-chameleon
$ git submodule update --init --recursive                 # retrieve the CRIU source code
$ cd ~/popcorn-chameleon/util
$ ./ -c ../criu -i /usr/local/chameleon   # run with -h for more options

Tip: The script allows building libcompel in optimized and debug formats (using the -d / --debug flag to enable debugging). Building Chameleon in either Release or Debug selects the appropriate version of the library. It helps to have both installed so that you can easily switch between Release and Debug builds of Chameleon; you may want to run the libcompel installation script twice to get both versions.

Popcorn Linux

Popcorn Linux is an operating system, compiler and runtime for executing and migrating natively compiled C/C++ applications between heterogeneous-ISA CPUs (e.g., ARM64, x86-64). Popcorn Linux's compiler generates metadata describing the stack layout of functions at equivalence points, allowing a state transformation runtime to rewrite the stack to a new format when migrating between heterogeneous-ISA CPUs. Chameleon leverages & extends Popcorn Linux's compiler and runtime to enable runtime re-randomization of an application's stack. Install Popcorn Linux by doing the following:

$ git clone
$ ls ~/
popcorn-chameleon  popcorn-compiler
$ cd ~/popcorn-compiler
$ git checkout security
$ ./ --install-path /usr/local/chameleon --install-all --chameleon

Building Chameleon

Chameleon uses CMake to build the executable and supports Debug and Release builds. For the following we'll install using the Debug build which is slower at runtime but performs sanity checks and is capable of printing significant amounts of information to help developers debug. The build process for Release builds is almost identical; just substitute Release in place of Debug below.

Note: For the debug build, you should install libcompel by passing -d / --debug to above

$ cd ~/popcorn-chameleon
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCOMPEL_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/chameleon -DDYNAMORIO_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/chameleon -DPOPCORN_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/chameleon ..
$ make -j$(nproc)

Building applications for Chameleon

Chameleon requires metadata generated by Popcorn Linux's compiler; you'll need to build applications using the installed compiler. As part of installing the compiler, both clang/LLVM and musl-libc should have been installed. musl-libc (an easier to use and cleaner libc alternative to glibc) installs a driver script which can be used as a drop-in replacement for gcc or clang. The driver script under the hood swaps out system headers and libraries for those installed with the Popcorn Linux compiler. In addition, you'll need to add several flags to help generate code compatible with Chameleon and its current limitations. For example to compile a source code file foo.c using the driver:

$ /usr/local/chameleon/x86_64/bin/musl-clang -static \
    -popcorn-metadata -popcorn-target=x86_64-linux-gnu -secure-popcorn \
    -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -mno-red-zone \
    -c foo.c

The extra arguments do the following:

After generating a target application executable, you'll need to run a post-processing tool to prepare the metadata contained in the binary for runtime stack transformation. The tool also generates a list of blacklisted libc functions that Chameleon currently doesn't handle (stack slots hard-coded in assembly). For an executable named foo:

$ ~/popcorn-chameleon/util/ -f foo

Note: You'll need to tell the script where you've installed the Popcorn compiler by setting the POPCORN variable at the top of the script (most likely to /usr/local/chameleon).

The script will prepare the executable and additionally generate a blacklist file to pass to Chameleon to avoid aborting on the previously mentioned unsupported functions.

Running applications under Chameleon

Chameleon traces the targeted application using Linux's ptrace interface. Thus, Chameleon acts as a "shell" around the application - users launch chameleon and specify the command line arguments for the target application. Chameleon will fork() and exec() the application, forwarding the command line arguments. For example, to run an application foo with arguments arg1 arg2 under Chameleon (using the blacklist file foo.blacklist generated by

$ cd ./popcorn-chameleon/build
$ ./bin/chameleon -b foo.blacklist -- foo arg1 arg2

The double dash -- separates arguments to Chameleon (all arguments before the dashes) from how Chameleon will launch the target application (all arguments after the dashes). Run Chameleon with -h to see all supported command line options

No randomization

To run an application with no runtime code randomization:

$ ./bin/chameleon -n -- foo arg1 arg2

This is useful when sanity-checking that either Chameleon or the application works without any modification.

Initial randomization

To run an application with an initial randomization:

$ ./bin/chameleon -b foo.blacklist -- foo arg1 arg2

In this configuration, Chameleon forks the target application and performs an initial randomization of the code section before starting the application. The initial randomization is the only modification made to the target; Chameleon will not perform any re-randomization.

Continuous code re-randomization

To run an application under continous code re-randomization:

$ ./bin/chameleon -p 1000 -b foo.blacklist -- foo arg1 arg2

In this configuration, Chameleon will interrupt the target application every specified period (in milliseconds) and swap in newly randomized code. Chameleon runs a background thread while waiting for the next interrupt which generates a new set of randomized code. At the interrupt, Chameleon drops the application's code pages (forcing it to load in the newly randomized code on demand) and transforms the application threads' stacks to match the newly randomized code. All of this process is completely transparent to the target application.

Other useful options

Testing Chameleon using a VM image

We also created a VM image for testing with pre-built Chameleon binaries and benchmarks.

  1. Download the VM image (~2.3GB).
  2. Boot the VM with QEMU (username/password: chameleon):
    $ qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cpu kvm64 -smp 2 -m 4G -drive file=./chameleon.vmdk,format=vmdk -nographic
  3. Follow the README to run the examples:
    chameleon@demo:~$ run-example -t <debug|release> -b <bt|cg|ep>