Distributed Key Generation is a cryptographic process that aims to solve the problem of coordinating N parties to cryptographically sign and verify signatures without relying on Trusted Third Parties. The process is demonstrated to be successful in computing a key pair in the presence of a number T attackers in a decentralized network. To do so, this algorithm generates a public key, and a secret key of which no single party knows, but has some share of. The involvement of many parties requires Distributed key generation to ensure secrecy in the presence of malicious contributions to the key calculation. For more information about DKG in general, please visit this page.
The SSV team built this tool leveraging drand's DKG protocol implementation (please visit their documentation for more details on it). This implementation operates under the assumption of a p2p network, allowing operators to communicate.
The ssv-dkg
was built to lift this assumption and provide a communication layer that centered on an Initiator figure, to facilitate communication between operators. The introduced potential risk for centralization and bad actors is handled with signatures and signature verifications, as explained in the Security notes section.
Finally, the outcome of the DKG ceremony is a BLS key pair to be used for validator duties by operators on the As such, the tool ends the process by creating a deposit file to activate the newly created validator key pair, and proceeds to generating the payload for the transaction.
In order for the DKG protocol to execute successfully:
tool as OperatorsFor details on how to run the tool as an Operator, please head over to this section containing the related instructions. Similarly, head over to this other section for instructions on how to launch the tool as the Initiator of the DKG ceremony.
The ssv-dkg
tool does not provide Operators data for the operations described above (ID, endpoint, public key).
Teams integrating with SSV are responsible for sourcing it however they see fit. This information can be collected in various ways, such as the official SSV API. Other suggested options are, for example, building an ad-hoc Operator data service, or a preset file where all Operators data is stored.
Information about Operators must be collected in a JSON file and supplied to Initiator to be used use for the key generation ceremony, as shown above.
Operators info file example:
"id": 143,
"ip": ""
"id": 219,
"ip": ""
"id": 33,
"ip": ""
"id": 190,
"ip": ""
"id": 34,
"ip": ""
Before initiate a DKG ceremony it's advised to check if all participating operators are online and healthy.
docker run --name ssv_dkg_health \
"bloxstaking/ssv-dkg:latest" ping --ip,,,, && \
docker rm ssv_dkg_health
Result should look like this:
2024-03-21T10:19:24.589162Z INFO dkg-initiator đ operator online and healthy {"ID": "416", "IP": "", "Version": "v1.0.3", "Public key": "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"}
2024-03-21T10:19:24.604992Z ERROR dkg-initiator đĨ Operator not healthy: {"error": "Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused", "IP": ""}
There are a couple of options to launch the DKG tool:
It is advised launching the tool as a Docker image as it is the most convenient way and only requires to have Docker installed. The team builds a Docker image with every release of the tool.
All of the necessary configuration information can be provided in a YAML file (referenced as init.yaml
from now on).
With this configuration, a typical configuration file would look like this:
validators: 10 # amount of validators to generate (nonce incrementing by 1) (default: 1)
operatorIDs: [143, 219, 33, 34] # array of Operator IDs which will be used for a DKG ceremony
withdrawAddress: "0xa1a66cc5d309f19fb2fda2b7601b223053d0f7f4" # address where reward payments for the validator are sent
owner: "0xb64923DA2c1A9907AdC63617d882D824033a091c" # address of owner of the Cluster that will manage the validator on
nonce: 0 # owner nonce for the SSV contract (default: 0)
network: "holesky" # network name (default: mainnet)
operatorsInfo: '[{"id": 1,"public_key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0....","ip": "http://localhost:3030"}, {"id": 2,"public_key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0....","ip": "http://localhost:3030"},...]' # raw content of the JSON file with operators information
# Alternatively:
# operatorsInfoPath: /data/initiator/operators_info.json
outputPath: /data/output # path to store the resulting staking deposit and ssv contract payload files
logLevel: info # logger's log level (default: debug)
logFormat: json # logger's encoding (default: json)
logLevelFormat: capitalColor # logger's level format (default: capitalColor)
logFilePath: /data/debug.log # path to file where logs should be written (default: ./data/debug.log)
âšī¸ In the config file above,
represents the container's shared volume created by the docker command itself with the-v
A special note goes to the nonce
field, which represents how many validators the address identified in the owner parameter has already registered to the
You can keep track of this counter yourself, or you can use the ssv-scanner
tool made available by the SSV team to source it. For more information, please refer to the related user guide or to its SDK documentation page.
âšī¸ Note: For more details on
parameter, head over to the Operators data section above
docker run --name ssv_dkg_initiator \
"bloxstaking/ssv-dkg:latest" init \
--configPath /data/config/init.yaml && \
docker rm ssv_dkg_initiator
Just make sure to substitute <PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_CONFIG_FILES>
with the actual folder containing all the files.
You can, of course, change the configuration above to one that suits you better, just be mindful about changing the path references in the docker command and in the init.yaml
file as well.
Due to Windows operating system's limitation on handling file paths exceeding 260 characters, please verify the length of output file paths to avoid potential issues, as this could render them inaccessible.
To build from source you'll need to have Go version 1.20 installed on your system
A prerequisite for this is to have go
version 1.20 installed on the system, and an optional requirement is to have the make
tool installed as well (alternatively you could run the corresponding command defined in the Makefile
make install
The Initiator provides the initial details needed to run DKG between all operators via the init
command. You can launch the following command with the appropriate values to each parameter:
ssv-dkg init \
--validators 10
--operatorIDs 1,2,3,4 \
--operatorsInfo: '[{"id": 1,"public_key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0....","ip": "http://localhost:3030"}, {"id": 2,"public_key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0....","ip": "http://localhost:3030"},...]'
# Alternatively:
# --operatorsInfoPath ./operators_info.json \
--owner 0x81592c3de184a3e2c0dcb5a261bc107bfa91f494 \
--nonce 4 \
--withdrawAddress 0xa1a66cc5d309f19fb2fda2b7601b223053d0f7f4 \
--network "holesky" \
--outputPath ./output \
--logLevel info \
--logFormat json \
--logLevelFormat capitalColor \
--logFilePath ./initiator_logs/debug.log
Here's an explanation of each parameter:
Argument | type | description |
--validators |
int | Amount of validators to generate (nonce incrementing by 1) (default: 1) |
--operatorIDs |
int[] | Operator IDs which will be used for a DKG ceremony |
--operatorsInfo |
string | Raw content of the JSON file with operators information. ID, base64(RSA pub key), endpoint |
--operatorsInfoPath |
string | Path to a file containing operators operators information. ID, base64(RSA pub key), endpoint |
--owner |
address | Owner address for the SSV contract |
--nonce |
int | Owner nonce for the SSV contract (default: 0) |
--withdrawAddress |
address | Address where reward payments for the validator are sent |
--network |
mainnet / prater / holesky | Network name (default: mainnet ) |
--outputPath |
string | Path to store the output files (default ./output ) |
--configPath |
string | Path to config file, i.e. init.yaml . If not supplied command line parameters are being used. |
--logLevel |
debug / info / warning / error / critical | Logger's log level (default: debug ) |
--logFormat |
json / console | Logger's encoding (default: json ) |
--logLevelFormat |
capitalColor / capital / lowercase | Logger's level format (default: capitalColor ) |
--logFilePath |
string | Path to file where logs should be written (default: ./data/debug.log ) |
A special note goes to the nonce
field, which represents how many validators the address identified in the owner parameter has already registered to the
You can keep track of this counter yourself, or you can use the ssv-scanner
tool made available by the SSV team to source it. For more information, please refer to the related user guide or to its SDK documentation page.
âšī¸ Note: For more details on
parameter, head over to the Operators data section.
It is also possible to use YAML configuration file. Just pay attention to the path of the necessary files, which needs to be changed to reflect the local configuration.
If the init.yaml
file is created in the same folder as the other files, and the folder structure looks like this:
ssv@localhost:~/ssv-dkg # tree initiator-config
âââ init.yaml
âââ operators_info.json
1 directory, 2 files
Then the content of the YAML file shown here Launch with Docker and YAML file
Then the built from source tool can be launched by running this command:
ssv-dkg init --configPath ./config.yaml
âšī¸ Note: If the
parameter is not provided,ssv-dkg
will be using flags.
After launching the ssv-dkg
tool as shown above, it will commence a DKG ceremony with the selected operators.
Following the successful completion of the DKG ceremony, several files have been generated and placed in the directory where the command was launched from:
âââ 0..[nonce]-0x...[validator public key]
âââ deposit_data.json
âââ keyshares.json
âââ proof.json
âââ 0..[nonce]-0x...[validator public key] ...
âââ deposit_data.json
âââ keyshares.json
âââ proof.json
âââ deposit_data.json # aggregated
âââ keyshares.json # aggregated
âââ proofs.json # aggregated
- this file contains the deposit data necessary to perform the transaction on the Deposit contract and activate the validator on the Beacon layerkeyshares.json
- this file contains the keyshares necessary to register the validator on the ssv.networkproof.json
- crucial for resharing your validator to a different set of operators in the future.2023-10-11T16:36:26.745937Z FATAL dkg-initiator đĨ Failed to initiate DKG ceremony: {"error": "Post \"\": dial tcp i/o timeout"}
When this error appears, it means that the ssv-dkg
tool cannot connect to one of the selected operators.
This could be temporary, but if it persists, we recommend changing one of the operators.
2023-10-11T16:29:47.226138Z FATAL dkg-initiator đĨ Failed to load operators: {"error": "invalid operator URL parse \"\": invalid URI for request"}
When this error appears, it means that the endpoint information for one of the operators is incorrect.
You could manually verify the operators_info.json
or the initiator command-generated by the webapp, or simply change one of the operators.
2023-10-13T15:21:54.597429Z FATAL dkg-initiator đĨ Failed to initiate DKG ceremony: {"error": "Post \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"}
When this error appears, it means that the ssv-dkg
tool cannot connect to one of the selected operators, and the reason could be because their ssv-dkg
operator node has shut down.
This could be temporary, as they will likely start the node again, but if it persists, we recommend changing one of the operators.
2024-04-03T12:54:57.939402Z FATAL dkg-initiator đĨ Failed to load operators: {"error": "only HTTPS scheme is allowed at operator address, got: http"}
When this error appears at initiator, it means that the ssv-dkg
tool cannot load operator URLs because it is not https
. Only https
is allowed.
Please provide either operator info string or path
2023-10-18T12:14:52.667985Z FATAL dkg-initiator đĨ Please provide either operator info string or path, not both
This error appears when the operatorsInfo
argument has been used in conjunction with the operatorsInfoPath
. These options are mutually exclusive, so please remove one or the other from your YAML config file, or from the command used to launch the initiator.
A DKG-Operator is able to participate in multiple DKG ceremonies in parallel thanks to the ssv-dkg
The ssv-dkg
tool is separate from the ssv-node
, and could be running on a different machine, but the two are heavily correlated, as the keyshare generated by the ssv-dkg
tool, will ultimately be used by the Node itself to manage the related validator.
â ī¸ The
client should be kept online at all times. This is paramount if you want to participate in DKG ceremonies initiated by stakers, thus having the chance to operate their validators. Please select the machine where you want to launch it in accordance to this principle.
In order to successfully participate in DKG ceremonies initiated by stakers, you will need to possess and/or provide this information:
tool (if you have a domain name, instead of an ip
that works as well)So make sure to have them available before proceeding.
â ī¸ The RSA key pair is needed to sign all of the messages exchanged between ceremony participants, but the public key linked to it will also be used to encrypt the generated keyshares. Thus, SSV Node Operators must use the private key already in their possession when running the DKG tool, otherwise they won't be able to decrypt the keyshare and perform validator duties.
There are a couple of options to launch the DKG tool:
It is advised launching the tool as a Docker image as it is the most convenient way and only requires to have Docker installed. The team builds a Docker image with every release of the tool.
All of the necessary configuration information can be provided in a YAML file (referenced as operator.config.yaml
from now on).
A good way to manage all the necessary files (encrypted_private_key.json
, password
) is to store them in a single folder (in this case config
), together with the operator.config.yaml
configuration file, like so:
ssv@localhost:~/ssv-dkg# tree operator-config
âââ encrypted_private_key.json
âââ operator.config.yaml
âââ password
1 directory, 3 files
With this configuration, a typical configuration file for Docker run would look like this:
privKey: /data/encrypted_private_key.json # path to operator`s encrypted RSA private key
privKeyPassword: /data/password # path to operator`s password
operatorID: 1
port: 3030 # port to listen to DKG messages from initiator
logLevel: info
logFormat: json
logLevelFormat: capitalColor
logFilePath: /data/debug.log
outputPath: /data/output
âšī¸ In the config file above,
represents the container's shared volume created by the docker command itself with the-v
Under the assumption that all the necessary files (encrypted_private_key.json
, config.yaml
, password
) are under the same folder (represented below with <PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_CONFIG_FILES>
) you can run the tool using the command below:
docker run --restart unless-stopped --name ssv_dkg -p 3030:3030 \
-v "<PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_CONFIG_FILES>":/data -u `id -u $USER` -it \
"bloxstaking/ssv-dkg:latest" start-operator --configPath /data/operator.config.yaml
Just make sure to substitute <PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_CONFIG_FILES>
with the actual folder containing all the files.
You can, of course, change the configuration above to one that suits you better, just be mindful about changing the path references in the docker command and in the operator.config.yaml
file as well.
To build from source you'll need to have Go version 1.20 installed on your system
A prerequisite for this is to have go
version 1.20 installed on the system, and an optional requirement is to have the make
tool installed as well (alternatively you could run the corresponding command defined in the Makefile
make install
It is advised to store all the necessary files (encrypted_private_key.json
, password
) in a single folder (in this case config
), as shown below:
ssv@localhost:~/ssv-dkg# tree operator-config
âââ encrypted_private_key.json
âââ password
1 directory, 2 files
To run the DKG tool as an operator, you can launch the following command with the appropriate values to each parameter:
ssv-dkg start-operator \
--privKey ./config/encrypted_private_key.json \
--privKeyPassword ./config/password \
--operatorID 1 \
--outputPath ./output
--port 3030 \
--logLevel info \
--logFormat json \
--logLevelFormat capitalColor \
--logFilePath ./output/debug.log
Here's an explanation of each parameter:
Argument | type | description |
--privKey | string | Path to encrypted RSA private key of ssv operator |
--port | int | Port for listening messages (default: 3030 ) |
--privKeyPassword | string | Path to password file to decrypt the key |
--outputPath | string | Path to store each ceremony the output files (deposit, keyshare, proof) |
--configPath | string | Path to operator.config.yaml file |
--logLevel | debug / info / warning / error / critical | Logger's log level (default: debug ) |
--logFormat | json / console | Logger's encoding (default: json ) |
--logLevelFormat | capitalColor / capital / lowercase | Logger's level format (default: capitalColor ) |
--logFilePath | string | Path to file where logs should be written (default: ./data/debug.log ) |
It is also possible to use YAML configuration file, just as it was shown in the Docker section above. Just pay attention to the path of the necessary files, which needs to be changed to reflect the local configuration. If the config.yaml file is created in the same folder as the other files, and the folder structure looks like this:
ssv@localhost:~/ssv-dkg # tree operator-config
âââ encrypted_private_key.json
âââ operator.config.yaml
âââ password
1 directory, 3 files
Then the content of the YAML file Launch with Docker and YAML file
Then the tool can be launched from the root folder, by running this command:
ssv-dkg start-operator --configPath "./config/operator.config.yaml"
If the --configPath
parameter is not provided, ssv-dkg
will be using flags.
â ī¸ If you want to make sure to participate in DKG ceremonies initiated by stakers, and have the chance to operate their validators, it is absolutely necessary to the update operator with the proper information, and verify their correctness.
Once the DKG tool is up and running, please make sure to update your operator metadata, and provide your DKG Operator endpoint, in the form of protocol:ip:port
(if you have a domain name, instead of an ip
that works as well).
Please head over to the Operator User guide on how to update metadata and follow the instructions
To run localy an example with 4 operators. Configuration files: examples/config
make docker-build-image # build the Docker image
make docker-demo-operators # run 4 local operators
make docker-demo-initiator # run 1 local initiator
Results will be placed to examples/[operator.../inititator]/output
) message, signs it and sends it to all Operatorsinit
message with ID [24]byte is received and at least 5 minutes have passed from the last init message with the same ID, the DKG instance is recreatedâšī¸ NOTE: Threshold is computed automatically using 3f+1 tolerance.
A DKG-operator can handle multiple DKG instances, it saves up to MaxInstances
(1024) up to MaxInstanceTime
(5 minutes). If a new init
arrives the DKG-operator tries to clean instances older than MaxInstanceTime
from the list. If any of them are found, they are removed and the incoming is added, otherwise it responds with an error, saying that the maximum number of instances is already running.
It is important to briefly explain how the communication between DKG ceremony Initiator and Operators is secured:
More info about how things are designed/work under the hood can be found here