staadecker / COVID-19-Map

Map of COVID-19 cases
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COVID-19 Map

Web-based map showing confirmed cases, potential cases and vulnerable populations in Canada based on publicly available data and data from

Important Details


Setting up

  1. Ask Martin to create you a flatten Google account and give you read permissions to the storage (so you can load data on the map).

  2. Copy over the content from deployment/firebase.staging.json into a new file in your root directory called firebase.json. Do not commit this new file (it should be automatically ignored).

  3. Run firebase login. Use your flatten credentials. If you're already logged in you might need to run firebase logout.

  4. Run firebase use --add flatten-staging-271921. To set the project.

Running the app

Internal Notes

Data format

Check the README at for the data format.

Setting up Firebase Storage for the first time

This only needs to be done once per project, so don't worry about it.

To allow the frontend of the map to read from the cloud storage buckets (storing the data), you will need to set the origin policy to allow reading of the cloud storage buckets. Add the following to a file called cors.json:

    "origin": ["*"],
    "method": ["GET"],
    "maxAgeSeconds": 3600

then run gsutil cors set cors.json gs://

You need to ensure that the firebase rules on the bucket are set up to allow reading of the files externally.