stack-of-tasks / install-sot

Bash script to install the repositories of Stack Of Tasks
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This script install automatically the Stack of Tasks and its dependencies.

Quick Start

Please be aware that not setting correctly your environment variables may lead to numerous problems.

To start the installation, you should:

  1. Set your private repositories account (optional, but VERY important): In the file, uncomment the lines starting by those words if you have access to those private repositories.


  2. Call: -r ros_distro ros_subdir installation_level

This script installs all the stack of tasks packages as well as the system dependencies and the selected ros distribution.

For the first run, it is recommanded to set install_level to 0 so as to install the required dependencies (ros included). Aftwerwards, it is usually enough to start at step 4.

Note that the steps 0, 2 and 3 require super user privileges, to install ros and distribution dependencies.

Do not run the script in sudo, this will create some problems.

Running ./ [-r ros_distro] -l displays the list of packages that will be installed, preceeded by their installation_level

Be aware that if you started the install with some wrong environment variables, the link to the repositories will be kept in $HOME/devel/ros_subdir/.rosinstall Please remove this file before running again the script with your new variables.


Usage: ./ [-h] ros_subdir installation_level
    ros_subdir: The sub directory where to install the ros workspace.
      The script creates a variable ros_install_path from ros_subdir:
      The git repositories are cloned in ros_install_path/src and
      installed in ros_install_path/install.

    installation_level: Specifies at which step the script should start
      the installation.

   -h : Display help.
   -r ros_release : Specifies the ros release to use. If not specified in 
        the `````` file, it needs to be given in command line
   -l : Display the steps where the script can be started for installing.
        This also display the internal instructions run by the script.
        To use -l you HAVE TO specify ros_install_path and installation_level.
        With -l the instructions are displayed but not run.
   -m : Compile the sources without updating them
   -c : Remove the cmake cache of the packages compiled (needs -c)
   -o : print the git log of every package compiled and exit.
   -u : Update the sources without compiling them

  Environment variables:
   GITHUB_ACCOUNT: If you  have a github user account you should set the environment variable
                   GITHUB_ACCOUNT to have read-write rights on the repositories 
                   otherwise they will be uploaded with read-only rights.
   PRIVATE_URI: If you have access to the private repositories for the HRP2.
                Please uncomment the line defining PRIVATE_URI.
   IDH_PRIVATE_URI: If you have access to the private repositories for the HRP4.
                Please uncomment the line defining IDH_PRIVATE_URI.

By default, this script runs is executed with both -u (update) and -m (make) options: it will clone/update then make each of the package listed.

By specifying the -u (resp -m) option, all the packages will only be installed/ updated (resp. compiled).

e.g. ./ -mc ros 0 will compile and install every package (they must have been cloned beforehands), while removing the cmake cache before every compilation.


rsync -avz $HOME/devel/ros_subdir username@robotc:./devel/

will copy the overall control architecture in the home directory of username in computer robotc (could be hrp2c).

3rd party dependencies:

The following external software are required (and will be installed automatically by step 0):