stackblitz / docs

New StackBlitz docs site built with VitePress
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StackBlitz Docs

Welcome to the home of the StackBlitz documentation site!

Our docs site was built with VitePress đź’™

What is StackBlitz?

StackBlitz is an instant fullstack web IDE for the JavaScript ecosystem. It is powered by WebContainers, the first WebAssembly-based operating system which boots Node.js environment in milliseconds, securely within your browser tab.

Now you can use the web to build the web.

In fact, why not edit this docs in Codeflow IDE?

Open in Codeflow

Let's make the docs better!

Thank you for visiting this repository. We love our community and we appreciate your time.

There are numerous ways to contribute to docs:

Thank you for making our docs better!

What makes a good issue

When creating an issue, please include:

Please raise issues in situations like the following:

If what you want to say doesn't really fall into actionable "problem" or "improvement", you can start a new Discussion topic. For example, feel free to ask:


There are three ways to interact with this repository:

Content updates with Web Publisher

Use Web Publisher for small content updates for a pleasant editing experience:

  1. Open any page on our docs site (Like this one), scroll down, and click "edit this page".
  2. Update the document in the editor on the left and see the rendered change in the preview window on the right.
  3. Once you're done, in the top right corner click on the green button that says "Propose changes".
  4. You will be redirected to a GitHub PR template page prepared for you to submit a PR.

Developing with StackBlitz Codeflow

Use StackBlitz Codeflow for bigger content updates. Codeflow will spin up the entire dev environment with a running dev server. When using Codeflow, please remember to commit and push your changes frequently.

To access it, click this button.

Alternatively, add “” to the beginning of this GitHub repository URL.

Developing locally

You can also explore and develop this site locally.

After cloning the repository, run the docs site in development mode with:

npm install
npm start

Editor setup

We have already equipped this repository with the suggested extension (Vue Language Features extension (Volar)). Additionally, you can use Volar’s Take Over Mode (aka disabling the built-in TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features extension for the current workspace).

Enable Algolia and Google Tag Manager

For production, the docs expect the following environment variables to be defined:

They can be defined in CI configuration, or in a .env file:

# .env

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