stackgl / glsl-transpiler

Transpile GLSL to JS
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Transforms glsl source to optimized js code. It converts vectors and matrices to arrays, expands swizzles, applies expressions optimizations and provides stdlib for environment compatibility.


npm install glsl-transpiler

import GLSL from 'glsl-transpiler'

var compile = GLSL({
    uniform: function (name) {
        return `uniforms.${name}`
    attribute: function (name) {
        return `attributes.${name}`

    precision mediump float
    attribute vec2 uv
    attribute vec4 color
    varying vec4 fColor
    uniform vec2 uScreenSize

    void main (void) {
        fColor = color
        vec2 position = vec2(uv.x, -uv.y) * 1.0
        position.x *= uScreenSize.y / uScreenSize.x
        gl_Position = vec4(position, 0, 1)

// result:

var uv = attributes.uv
var color = attributes.color
var fColor = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0])
var uScreenSize = uniforms.uScreenSize

function main () {
    fColor = color
    var position = new Float32Array([uv[0], -uv[1]])
    position[0] *= uScreenSize[1] / uScreenSize[0]
    gl_Position = new Float32Array([position[0], position[1], 0, 1])



To apply compilation to glsl AST or string, require glsl-transpiler:

import GLSL from 'glsl-transpiler'

let compile = GLSL({
    // Enable expressions optimizations.
    optimize: true,

    // Apply preprocessing. Pass custom preprocessor function `(srcString) => resultString;` to set own preprocessing.
    preprocess: true,

    // A function replacing each uniform declaration. Eg: ``(name, node) => `uniforms["${name}"]`;`` will render each uniform declaration as `var <name> = uniforms["<name>"]`.
    uniform: false,

    // Same as `uniform`, but for attribute declarations.
    attribute: false,

    // Same as `uniform`, but for varying declarations.
    varying: false,

    // GLSL shader version, one of `'300 es'` or `'100 es'`.
    version: '100 es',

    // Append stdlib includes for the result. Can be bool or an object with defined stdlib functions to include, eg. `{normalize: false, min: false}`.
    includes: true,

    // Enable debugging facilities: `print(anything)` will log to console a string of transpiled code with it’s type separated by colon, `show(anything)` will print the rendered descriptor of passed fragment of code. Note also that you can safely use `console.log(value)` to debug shader runtime.
    debug: false

//compile source code
let result = compile('...source.glsl')

//get collected info
let {
} = compile.compiler

//clean collected info

Note that texture2D function expects whether ndarray instance or defined width and height parameters on passed array.


glsl-transpiler can also be used as a stream. For each node from the glsl-parser it will return compiled js chunk:

import compile from 'glsl-transpiler/stream.js'
import parse from 'glsl-parser/stream.js'
import tokenize from 'glsl-tokenizer/stream.js'

.once('end', function () {
    //this.source contains the actual version of the compiled code
    //and gets updated on each input chunk of data.


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