stackhpc / ansible-role-openhpc

Ansible role for OpenHPC
Apache License 2.0
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This Ansible role installs packages and performs configuration to provide an OpenHPC v2.x Slurm cluster.

As a role it must be used from a playbook, for which a simple example is given below. This approach means it is totally modular with no assumptions about available networks or any cluster features except for some hostname conventions. Any desired cluster fileystem or other required functionality may be freely integrated using additional Ansible roles or other approaches.

The minimal image for nodes is a RockyLinux 8 GenericCloud image.

Role Variables

openhpc_extra_repos: Optional list. Extra Yum repository definitions to configure, following the format of the Ansible yum_repository module. Respected keys for each list element:

openhpc_slurm_service_enabled: boolean, whether to enable the appropriate slurm service (slurmd/slurmctld).

openhpc_slurm_service_started: Optional boolean. Whether to start slurm services. If set to false, all services will be stopped. Defaults to openhpc_slurm_service_enabled.

openhpc_slurm_control_host: Required string. Ansible inventory hostname (and short hostname) of the controller e.g. "{{ groups['cluster_control'] | first }}".

openhpc_slurm_control_host_address: Optional string. IP address or name to use for the openhpc_slurm_control_host, e.g. to use a different interface than is resolved from openhpc_slurm_control_host.

openhpc_packages: additional OpenHPC packages to install.


openhpc_slurmdbd_host: Optional. Where to deploy slurmdbd if are using this role to deploy slurmdbd, otherwise where an existing slurmdbd is running. This should be the name of a host in your inventory. Set this to none to prevent the role from managing slurmdbd. Defaults to openhpc_slurm_control_host.

openhpc_slurm_configless: Optional, default false. If true then slurm's "configless" mode is used.

openhpc_munge_key: Optional. Define a munge key to use. If not provided then one is generated but the openhpc_slurm_control_host must be in the play.

openhpc_login_only_nodes: Optional. If using "configless" mode specify the name of an ansible group containing nodes which are login-only nodes (i.e. not also control nodes), if required. These nodes will run slurmd to contact the control node for config.

openhpc_module_system_install: Optional, default true. Whether or not to install an environment module system. If true, lmod will be installed. If false, You can either supply your own module system or go without one.


openhpc_slurm_partitions: Optional. List of one or more slurm partitions, default []. Each partition may contain the following values:

For each group (if used) or partition any nodes in an ansible inventory group <cluster_name>_<group_name> will be added to the group/partition. Note that:

openhpc_job_maxtime: Maximum job time limit, default '60-0' (60 days). See slurm.conf parameter MaxTime for format. The default is 60 days. The value should be quoted to avoid Ansible conversions.

openhpc_cluster_name: name of the cluster.

openhpc_config: Optional. Mapping of additional parameters and values for slurm.conf. Note these will override any included in templates/slurm.conf.j2.

openhpc_ram_multiplier: Optional, default 0.95. Multiplier used in the calculation: total_memory * openhpc_ram_multiplier when setting RealMemory for the partition in slurm.conf. Can be overriden on a per partition basis using openhpc_slurm_partitions.ram_multiplier. Has no effect if openhpc_slurm_partitions.ram_mb is set.

openhpc_state_save_location: Optional. Absolute path for Slurm controller state (slurm.conf parameter StateSaveLocation)


By default, no accounting storage is configured. OpenHPC v1.x and un-updated OpenHPC v2.0 clusters support file-based accounting storage which can be selected by setting the role variable openhpc_slurm_accounting_storage_type to accounting_storage/filetxt1. Accounting for OpenHPC v2.1 and updated OpenHPC v2.0 clusters requires the Slurm database daemon, slurmdbd (although job completion may be a limited alternative, see below. To enable accounting:

The role will take care of configuring the following variables for you:

openhpc_slurm_accounting_storage_host: Where the accounting storage service is running i.e where slurmdbd running.

openhpc_slurm_accounting_storage_port: Which port to use to connect to the accounting storage.

openhpc_slurm_accounting_storage_user: Username for authenticating with the accounting storage.

openhpc_slurm_accounting_storage_pass: Mungekey or database password to use for authenticating.

For more advanced customisation or to configure another storage type, you might want to modify these values manually.

Job accounting

This is largely redundant if you are using the accounting plugin above, but will give you basic accounting data such as start and end times. By default no job accounting is configured.

openhpc_slurm_job_comp_type: Logging mechanism for job accounting. Can be one of jobcomp/filetxt, jobcomp/none, jobcomp/elasticsearch.

openhpc_slurm_job_acct_gather_type: Mechanism for collecting job accounting data. Can be one of jobacct_gather/linux, jobacct_gather/cgroup and jobacct_gather/none.

openhpc_slurm_job_acct_gather_frequency: Sampling period for job accounting (seconds).

openhpc_slurm_job_comp_loc: Location to store the job accounting records. Depends on value of openhpc_slurm_job_comp_type, e.g for jobcomp/filetxt represents a path on disk.


The following options affect slurmdbd.conf. Please see the slurm documentation for more details. You will need to configure these variables if you have set openhpc_enable.database to true.

openhpc_slurmdbd_port: Port for slurmdb to listen on, defaults to 6819.

openhpc_slurmdbd_mysql_host: Hostname or IP Where mariadb is running, defaults to openhpc_slurm_control_host.

openhpc_slurmdbd_mysql_database: Database to use for accounting, defaults to slurm_acct_db.

openhpc_slurmdbd_mysql_password: Password for authenticating with the database. You must set this variable.

openhpc_slurmdbd_mysql_username: Username for authenticating with the database, defaults to slurm.

Example Inventory

And an Ansible inventory as this:

openhpc-login-0 ansible_host= ansible_user=centos

openhpc-compute-0 ansible_host= ansible_user=centos
openhpc-compute-1 ansible_host= ansible_user=centos




Example Playbooks

To deploy, create a playbook which looks like this:

- hosts:
  - cluster_login
  - cluster_control
  - cluster_batch
  become: yes
    - role: openhpc
        control: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['cluster_control'] }}"
        batch: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['cluster_batch'] }}"
        runtime: true
      openhpc_slurm_service_enabled: true
      openhpc_slurm_control_host: "{{ groups['cluster_control'] | first }}"
        - name: "compute"
      openhpc_cluster_name: openhpc
      openhpc_packages: []

1 Slurm 20.11 removed accounting_storage/filetxt as an option. This version of Slurm was introduced in OpenHPC v2.1 but the OpenHPC repos are common to all OpenHPC v2.x releases.