stacks-archive / blockstack-proofs-py

For verifying proofs (twitter, github, domains etc) linked to a blockchain ID
MIT License
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Blockstack Proofs

CircleCI PyPI PyPI PyPI Slack

A python library for verifying identity proofs in blockstack profiles / blockchain IDs.

Proof types supported:


$ pip install blockstack-proofs

Getting Proofs from a Profile

To get the proofs for a blockchain ID, pass in the profile and username for the ID as shown below.

>>> from blockstack_proofs import profile_to_proofs
>>> proofs = profile_to_proofs(profile, username)
>>> print proofs
[{'identifier': 'naval', 'proof_url': '', 'service': 'twitter', 'valid': True}, {'identifier': 'navalr', 'proof_url': '', 'service': 'facebook', 'valid': True}, {'identifier': 'navalr', 'proof_url': '', 'service': 'github', 'valid': True}]