stacksgov / sips

Community-submitted Stacks Improvement Proposals (SIPs)
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SIP-012: Burn height selection for network-upgrade to introduce new cost-limits #41

Closed diwakergupta closed 2 years ago

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

The current Clarity cost limits were set very conservatively in Stacks 2.0: transactions with contract-calls frequently exceed these limits, which negatively affects transaction throughput. This SIP proposes an update to these cost-limits via a network upgrade and further, that the network upgrade be executed at a block height chosen by an off-chain process described in this SIP.

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

Tagging some folks to get the ball rolling here: @jcnelson @friedger @kantai @lgalabru @hstove @jasonklau @0xAsteria

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

Also cc/ @xanbots

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

Looking awesome. Do we reckon we can get it from 3 weeks down to 2 weeks?

LNow commented 2 years ago

@diwakergupta is there any particular reason to increase cost of contract-of over 13x ? We can't pass to it anything but valid trait, which by default consists proper contract address, therefore I don't understand why do we have to increase its cost.

hstove commented 2 years ago

Big fan of this SIP!

Question about static vs. dynamic costs. map-get? is mentioned in the draft, but does this apply to basically anything that has a dynamic size? For example, functions like mine-many in MiamiCoin. The function arg has a (list 200 uint). Does this mean that, after this change, the cost will be based on the size of the argument, instead of the max length? If this change applies all around, that would be huge. I have found that this pattern is highly necessary in many different contexts, so only calculating costs based off of dynamic size would be a huge benefit.

LNow commented 2 years ago

One general remark - Title of this SIP suggests that it is about introducing new costs limits, but at the same time it also describe update of functions costs. Although changing costs limits is a consensus-braking change as it needs to be applied in stacks-blockchain code and describing whole process in SIP is a good thing, I thought updating functions costs can be done on-chain using SP000000000000000000002Q6VF78.cost-voting contract.

If updating functions costs can be performed on-chain we should describe the process in a separate SIP (if it has not been done already) and not mix it with changing limits.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

@LNow Yeah, I agree -- the framing of this SIP could be better. The SIP is really about making a couple of one-off breaking changes, and it just happens to opportunistically change the runtime costs. I've detailed what I think the intro should say here:

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

hey @diwakergupta, so we don't overlap work, i'm making @jcnelson's recommended changes as I see them here

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

hey @diwakergupta, so we don't overlap work, i'm making @jcnelson's recommended changes as I see them here

welp, sorry just saw this. I pushed 2 commits to address some nits, will circle back on some of the meatier feedback in a bit.

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

hey @diwakergupta, so we don't overlap work, i'm making @jcnelson's recommended changes as I see them here

welp, sorry just saw this. I pushed 2 commits to address some nits, will circle back on some of the meatier feedback in a bit.

All good. Here's a graph for the runtime cost stuff.

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 19 27 04
jcnelson commented 2 years ago

@hstove The function arg has a (list 200 uint). Does this mean that, after this change, the cost will be based on the size of the argument, instead of the max length?

Yes, that's the idea. For example, if the list has only 5 items, then only those items should be considered in the cost-tracker (instead of the total number of items).

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

Just spoke with some of the SIP authors to get some further clarity on some of the points here. We came up with the following action items:

Please let me know if there's anything I missed.

jasonklau commented 2 years ago

This is fantastic. We (at Okcoin) would love to see these limits raised and block capacity increased.

Most of the deposit and withdrawal issues we've seen recently relate to congestion from a surge in activity. Given how the ecosystem is growing, we don't see that activity quieting down soon.

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

Regarding the Bitcoin block for 2.05's activation, how does #711,750 sound? That's estimated to be on Nov 29th.

Just give this comment a 👍 or 👎

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

Just spoke with some of the SIP authors to get some further clarity on some of the points here. We came up with the following action items:

Thanks for the summary @jcnelson ! I'm working on incorporating the changes.

  • Vote by sending BTC. There will be two Bitcoin addresses whose UTXOs will be used to tally the vote: a "yes" address, and a "no" address. The addresses are TBD, but will likely be the addresses of a charity or a Bitcoin core developer's donation address or something. To vote, a Stacker would send a small amount of BTC to either one of these addresses.

    • The transaction's scriptSig must be signed by either the Stacker's PoX reward address's public key(s), or the public key(s) of their Stacks address (the option is provided here because not all Stackers have access to their PoX addresses). In either case, the vote commits the Stacker's most-recently-locked STX to "yes" or "no" if the Stacker had some STX locked in the past two reward cycles at the time of the vote.

    • The vote to activate 2.05 passes if the following two criteria are met:

    • 2/3 of all votes passed are "yes", weighted by the STX they represent

    • At least 60 million STX are represented by the "yes" votes. This is 2x the largest Stacker right now.

    • The vote can start once this SIP text is updated with the addresses. It will finish one week prior to the 2.05 activation block. If there is not enough support by then, then this SIP does not activate.

    • This SIP would come with scripts and instructions to use for independently auditing the vote.

@hstove is above something you / OBY can help with? Basically selecting the two Bitcoin addresses to be used, ideally some sort of (open source) web UI to show the results as the votes come in, which can double as the scripts / instructions for anyone to independently audit the vote?

owenstrevor commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I'm of the opinion that this upgrade is super important to get done quickly, considering we have multiple high profile NFT launches, Arkadiko Mainnet, ALEX Mainnet, Stackswap Mainnet, etc. all coming imminently.

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

@diwakergupta and others -- what can I help do here? Don't want to overlap your work.

hstove commented 2 years ago

Hey all, I'm happy to help with the changes Diwaker mentioned in .

Here are suggestions for the 'yes' and 'no' votes addresses:



Using a similar pattern as the PoX burn address, but the last byte of the hash is different. I've checked that each address has never been used.

hstove commented 2 years ago

@0xAsteria wanna collab on a front-end that shows current voting info? I could write some JS code that pulls in and aggregates everything, and you could work on the front-end, using mock data. Then we can combine them. Thoughts?

owenstrevor commented 2 years ago

We're having a vote and debate about the mint date for Crash Punks in the discord right now. Surprisingly, a lot of people hesitant about even minting before this upgrade.

Can read the debate and see how people are voting here:

dantrevino commented 2 years ago

@0xAsteria wanna collab on a front-end that shows current voting info? I could write some JS code that pulls in and aggregates everything, and you could work on the front-end, using mock data. Then we can combine them. Thoughts?

@hstove I'd be interested in a library/package that allows multiple frontends to be used

hstove commented 2 years ago

@dantrevino, definitely, it would be totally doable to ship as an NPM package

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

@0xAsteria wanna collab on a front-end that shows current voting info? I could write some JS code that pulls in and a

this sounds cool, though i'm not a frontend dev. can help on backend. dm me on discord.

cc @syvita @syinvidia @diopitis for frontend stuff

gonna see if i can get some frontend devs from syvita

aulneau commented 2 years ago

@0xAsteria wanna collab on a front-end that shows current voting info? I could write some JS code that pulls in and a

this sounds cool, though i'm not a frontend dev. can help on backend. dm me on discord.

cc @syvita @SyInvidia @diopitis for frontend stuff

gonna see if i can get some frontend devs from syvita

I'm happy to help build out a UI, I've messaged in discord. Here is a public repo for the UI

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

Okay, so this is obnoxious. I can't replace the remote on this PR to this repository, which should contain a branch with the SIP text being edited. This is necessary because the only people who can commit to this PR are Hiro engineers. I've opened which contains everything here so far, but is based on a branch in this repository. If we can't figure out a way to switch this remote, then let's move over to that PR to continue the discussion.

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

Okay, so this is obnoxious. I can't replace the remote on this PR to this repository, which should contain a branch with the SIP text being edited. This is necessary because the only people who can commit to this PR are Hiro engineers. I've opened #43 which contains everything here so far, but is based on a branch in this repository. If we can't figure out a way to switch this remote, then let's move over to that PR to continue the discussion.

One easy fix is to add all SIP authors to the hirosystems/sips repo as external collaborators. Given the amount of comments and context in this PR, I'd prefer to continue using it if possible.

Meanwhile, how does using a branch in stacksgovs/sips solve this problem? For instance, I'm unable to push any updates to the PR you just opened.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

One easy fix is to add all SIP authors to the hirosystems/sips repo as external collaborators. Given the amount of comments and context in this PR, I'd prefer to continue using it if possible.

I'm fine with that.

Meanwhile, how does using a branch in stacksgovs/sips solve this problem? For instance, I'm unable to push any updates to the PR you just opened.

Similarly, I can't push any updates to the SIP without making a branch within this repository. That's why I said it's obnoxious of Github to not make this possible -- as a repo admin, I should have the power to "import" a remote branch as a branch of this repository while keeping the comments.

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

One easy fix is to add all SIP authors to the hirosystems/sips repo as external collaborators. Given the amount of comments and context in this PR, I'd prefer to continue using it if possible.

I'm fine with that.

Added you and happy to add others as needed. Can you re-push your changes to the draft/sip-012 branch in hirosystems/sips and close #43 ? Thanks!

cryptopanter commented 2 years ago

We're having a vote and debate about the mint date for Crash Punks in the discord right now. Surprisingly, a lot of people hesitant about even minting before this upgrade.

Can read the debate and see how people are voting here:

I think this SIP should have atm the highest priority for the Stacks community... All efforts and projects seem useless unless the slow network and congestion issue is resolved 🎩

jasonklau commented 2 years ago

Are we comfortable moving forward to determine the block heights for activation and vote deadline?

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

@hstove @0xAsteria @aulneau any update on the frontend for tallying votes?

@jcnelson just wanted to confirm if we're OK to ask folks to start sending in their BTC transactions for voting?

@jasonklau I believe the plan is that once 50% of the work on this board is done (we're close), then the block numbers can be picked.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

@jcnelson just wanted to confirm if we're OK to ask folks to start sending in their BTC transactions for voting?

Yes -- we're within the first of the two whole reward cycles that precede the target vote counting block height.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

@kantai @pavitthrap when either of you get a moment, can you please answer @FriendsFerdinand's comments?

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

@hstove @0xAsteria @aulneau any update on the frontend for tallying votes?

Hey @diwakergupta 👋

JS library is done. API using said JS lib is now up (PR reintegrating it back into JS lib is waiting for merge) and available at

Last bit is on @aulneau for the actual UI.

@jcnelson just wanted to confirm if we're OK to ask folks to start sending in their BTC transactions for voting?

We sure can. Tutorials should go out and so should alerts for all the community. Need to get this voted through ASAP.

@jasonklau I believe the plan is that once 50% of the work on this board is done (we're close), then the block numbers can be picked.

Waiting on this.

kantai commented 2 years ago

@kantai @pavitthrap when either of you get a moment, can you please answer @FriendsFerdinand's comments?

What comments are those, I don't think I see them on the PR.

aulneau commented 2 years ago

@diwakergupta yep as @0xAsteria said I am now able to build out the UI which I will do today and tomorrow. it will be live at

Tutorials should go out and so should alerts for all the community.

Outside of this SIP, is there any documentation / tutorials for how best to vote? Sorry if I missed it and it's somewhere in this thread. Any pointers towards how-tos that can go on the frontend would be great.

Will update when there is something online.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

To vote, you'll need to send a Bitcoin transaction using either the key(s) you used to Stack your STX, or the key(s) to your PoX reward address. To vote "yes," send a dust amount of BTC to 111111111111111111112czxoHN. To vote "no," send a dust amount of BTC to 111111111111111111112kmzDG2. The vote-tallying software will take it from there.

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

PR reintegrating it back into JS lib is waiting for merge

Update on this - v0.2.0 of sip12.js was released with integration for Halo's API. S/o @hstove! Great job 👏

aulneau commented 2 years ago

okay! site is live and someone has already voted!

jasonklau commented 2 years ago

Site looks awesome!

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 8:07 PM Thomas Osmonson @.***> wrote:

okay! site is live and someone has already voted!

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314159265359879 commented 2 years ago

@aulneau yesterday the title had a regular size, now it looks different. Did you intend it this way (firefox and chrome on windows): image

aulneau commented 2 years ago

@aulneau yesterday the title had a regular size, now it looks different. Did you intend it this way (firefox and chrome on windows)

Yep, intentional :)

jasonklau commented 2 years ago

@aulneau Is there any way we can add in the voting "win conditions" - amount needed, deadline, etc? Would be more informative for potential voters.

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 10:38 AM Thomas Osmonson @.***> wrote:

@aulneau yesterday the title had a regular size, now it looks different. Did you intend it this way (firefox and chrome on windows)

Yep, intentional :)

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aulneau commented 2 years ago

@jasonklau yes, we were just thinking about that! Here is a screenshot of a progress bar we'll be adding:

Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 11 04 43 AM

@diwakergupta @jcnelson what are the exact conditions that need to be met for either yes or no to pass?

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

@diwakergupta @jcnelson what are the exact conditions that need to be met for either yes or no to pass?

It's in the SIP, under the Activation Criteria section:

The SIP will be considered Ratified if the vote to activate Stacks 2.05 passes. This requires:

  • 2/3 of all votes passed are "yes", weighted by the STX they represent, at a Bitcoin block height at or before the vote deadline block.
  • At least 60 million STX are represented by the "yes" votes. This is 2x the largest Stacker at the time of this writing.
jcnelson commented 2 years ago

As a means of cross-validating the vote tabulation, I've added a vote-tallying script here that was independently implemented from the SIP text. I'll be using it alongside to verify whether or not the activation threshold has been met. The script needs some testing; feel free to post bug reports in this comment thread.

aulneau commented 2 years ago

Screen Shot 2021-11-01 at 8 14 17 AM

nice, @jcnelson would be great if you could double check these numbers

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

Hey @whoabuddy @joberding, and @HaroldDavis3, this is a governance-track SIP. We're gonna need the governance CAB's sign-off (or rejection) on this at your earliest convenience. It's sufficient to just reply here with a comment (or even an emoji vote); I can add the sign-off text to the SIP. Thanks!

@whoabuddy You'll want to record that the decision happened. It could be as simple as adding a markdown file to the governance CAB folder in this repo with the date, signatories, and SIP number.

kantai commented 2 years ago

Here are some initial numbers from measuring the proposed changes to cost tabulations over ~3500 recent blocks. This table contains the total assessed cost in each dimension of the transactions in those blocks, assessed by proposed 2.05 rules and by the active 2.0 rules.

  2.00 Cost 2.05 Cost
Runtime Cost 7.85 * 10^12 3.75 * 10^10
Write Length 1.71 * 10^9 3.37 * 10^8
Write Count 4.52 * 10^5 4.52 * 10^5
Read Length 3.52 * 10^9 2.03 * 10^9
Read Count 1.16 * 10^7 1.16 * 10^7

Far and away the most significant improvement is in the runtime costs -- the total assessed runtime cost is over 100x smaller with the proposed 2.05 changes. The biggest factor in this change is the cost application of database operations-- in 2.0, database operations are assessed using the maximum size of the data schema (e.g., a (list 500 uint) is always charged as if it is 500 elements long even if the actual list stored is only 5 elements long), while in 2.05, the database operations are assessed using the actual size of the data.

The expected increase in throughput is more modest, however. The total read count is unchanged between the two consensus rules, and once the runtime assessment is reduced, this becomes the limiting dimension for blocks. The 2.05 proposed changes do increase this limit 2x, though. Given this data, an optimistic block packing of these transactions would require 746 blocks in 2.05 as opposed to 1,571 in 2.00, which is roughly a 2x increase in throughput.

lgalabru commented 2 years ago

Interesting. Do we have the distribution of contract-call / stx-transfer, on this last 3500 blocks? Would a pre-dominant number of stx-transfer (non impacted by the new costs) be dilluting the estimated gains?