Analytics loader for vite that support Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, Linkedin Insight, Yandex Metrica, Baidu Tongji, Microsoft Advertising and Unbounce
npm i --save-dev vite-plugin-radar # yarn add -D vite-plugin-radar
// vite.config.js
import { VitePluginRadar } from 'vite-plugin-radar'
export default {
plugins: [
// Google Analytics tag injection
analytics: {
id: 'G-XXXXX',
// vite.config.js
import { VitePluginRadar } from 'vite-plugin-radar'
export default {
plugins: [
* enable or disable scripts injection in development
* default: false
enableDev: true,
// Google Analytics (multiple tag can be set with an array)
analytics: [
* Measurement id
id: 'G-XXXXX',
* disable tracking for this measurement
* window['ga-disable-MEASUREMENT_ID'] = true
* @see
disable: true,
* You can configure all settings provided by analytics here
* @see
* @see
* @see
config: {
cookie_domain: 'auto',
cookie_expires: 63072000,
cookie_prefix: 'none',
cookie_update: true,
cookie_flags: '',
send_page_view: true,
allow_google_signals: true,
allow_ad_personalization_signals: true,
* Set default values for "consent mode"
* @see
* @see
consentDefaults: {
analytics_storage: 'granted',
ad_storage: 'denied',
wait_for_update: 500
* You set persitent values
* @see
persistentValues: {
currency: 'USD',
// You can add as many measurement id as you need
id: 'UA-YYYYY',
// Google Tag Manager (multiple tag can be set with an array)
gtm: [
id: 'GTM-XXXXX',
// You can set custom source for gtm script and noscript
gtmBase: '',
nsBase: '',
// You can optionally define the environment for the gtm.
environment: {
auth: 'X1YzAB2CDEFGh3ijklmnoP',
preview: 'env-x',
// Facebook Pixel (multiple tag can be set with an array)
pixel: [
id: 'XXXXXXX',
// VK Retargeting (multiple tag can be set with an array)
retargeting: [
// Linkedin Insight (multiple tag can be set with an array)
linkedin: [
id: 'XXXXXXX',
// Baidu Tongji (multiple tag can be set with an array)
tongji: [
id: 'XXXXXXX',
// Yandex Metrica (multiple tag can be set with an array)
metrica: [
id: 'XXXXXXX',
* You can configure all settings provided by metrika here
* @see
config: {
defer: true,
clickmap: true,
trackLinks: true,
accurateTrackBounce: true,
childIframe: true,
webvisor: true,
trackHash: true,
triggerEvent: true,
ecommerce: 'dataLayer',
trustedDomains: [''],
type: 0,
params: {},
userParams: {}
// Microsoft Analytics (only one tag can be set)
microsoft: {
id: 'XXXXX'
// Hotjar Analytics (only one tag can be set)
hotjar: {
id: 1000000
// Full story Analytics (only one tag can be set)
fullStory: {
org: 'X-XXXXXX-XXX',
host: '',
script: '',
namespace: 'FS',
// Unbounce conversion analytics
// Can also be enabled like so: `unbounce: true`
unbounce: {
enabled: true, // or false
// You can set a custom location or use the default one for unbounce
script: ''
// TikTok Pixel Analytics (only one tag can be set)
tiktok: {
id: 1000000,
// You can set a custom location or use the default one for TikTok
script: ''
// SimpleAnalytics
simpleanalytics: {
enabled: true, // or false
* You can overwrite domain name (optional)
* @see
hostname: '',
* You can configure a proxy (optional)
* @see
script: '',
noScript: ''
// Plausible
plausible: {
enabled: true, // or false
* You can overwrite domain name to send stats to multiple Plausible dashboards (optional)
* @see
hostname: '',
* You can configure a proxy (optional)
* @see
script: '',