stan-dev / gmo

Inference on marginal distributions using gradient-based optimization
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Gradient-based marginal optimization

gmo is an R package for fast optimization of marginal posterior distributions. Using a stochastic gradient-based algorithm, gmo estimates a set of parameters from a model while marginalizing out the rest. This provides uncertainty over any nuisance parameters, and generalizes parameter estimation using marginal densities. It acts as a middleground between full Bayesian inference over all parameters and point estimation over all parameters.

Here is an example for a mixture model from Rubin's 8 schools analysis (1981). Each data point belongs to one of 8 groups, and gmo estimates the mean and variance parameters of the prior on each group.


data <- list(J = 8,
             K = 2,
             y = c(28,  8, -3,  7, -1,  1, 18, 12),
             sigma = c(15, 10, 16, 11,  9, 11, 10, 18)) <- gmo("models/8schools.stan", "models/8schools_local.stan", data=data)

The two Stan programs used above are found here and here. More examples are found in demo/.

The gmo package uses a modified Stan program in order to distinguish between parameters to estimate and parameters to marginalize out.


The core feature of gmo is a fast way to maximize marginal posterior densities, which includes, for example, maximum marginal likelihood, empirical Bayes, and type II maximum likelihood. It is done in an iterative scheme that is closely inspired by the EM algorithm. Here are additional features it supports:


GMO is experimental software and undergoing development. We plan to submit to CRAN once it is ready.

To install the latest development version from Github:

# install.packages("devtools")


We appreciate citations for GMO if you apply or build off it in your work.

  title = {Gradient-based marginal optimization},
  author = {Dustin Tran and Andrew Gelman and Aki Vehtari},
  journal = {In preparation},
  year = {2016}