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Test Pull Request

LwM2M Registry

This public repository is dedicated to store and register new LwM2M Objects and Reusable Resources.

Registration Process

Companies that would like to register a new Object or Reusable Resource should follow these steps:

  1. Create an Issue
  2. The Maintainer will create a new branch based on the Issue
  3. Create a new Object or revise and existing one
  4. Creat a Pull Request

The steps are described below. Please contact, helpdesk @ in case you encounter any problem during the submission

1. Create an Issue

2. New branch

3. Create a new Object

4. Create a Pull Request

The next sections describe these steps in detail.

4.1 Update the DDF.xml file

Example of a placeholder in the DDF.xml file for e.g., Object ID = 0, version 1.0

        <!-- Integer, this number is allocated by the Maintainer -->
        <!-- ObjecID also called ObjID-->

        <!-- URN of the object 
             for other versions than v1.0 the URN mus include the version, e.g., for v1.1 the URN is urn:oma:lwm2m:oma:0:1.1 -->
        <Name>LWM2M Security</Name>
        <!-- Name of the object -->

        <Description>Object description</Description>
        <!-- Description of the Object -->

        <Owner>Test WG</Owner>
        <!-- Name of the organization that has registered the object -->

        <!-- Type of Object: 
             0 = defined by OMA, 
             1 = defined by external Standards Development Organizations, 
             2 = private or individual -->

        <!-- Version of the object -->

        <!-- URL to the xml file describing the object 
             latest version the filename is stored in the root as ObjID.xml
             Previous versions the file are stored in the version_history folder as ObjID-X_Y.xml, were X.Y is the Object Version.-->

        <!-- VOID- Link that opens the Object in the Vorto environment -->

        <!-- 0 => if link to object should not be visible, 
             1 => if object should be visible (default) -->

        <!-- URL to the TS of the object, not visible, not used -->

        <!-- 0 => if link to TS should not be visible, 
             1 => if link to TS should be visible (default) -->

4.2 Update or create a new ObjID.xml file

4.3 Add a new ObjID-X_Y.xml file to the version_history folder

4.4 Updates the Common.xml file (if adding new Reusable Resources)**

Example of Reusable Resource placeholder

      <Item ID="4000">
        <!-- Resource ID of the reusable resource 
             Reusable Resource IDs are allocated by the Maintainer, this is one of the reasons to raise an Issue in the first place -->

        <!-- Name of the reusable resource -->

        <!-- Allowed Operation on the reusable resource-->

        <!-- Type of the reusable resource -->

        <!-- Range/Enumeration of the reusable resource
             A range is expressed with (..),e.g., from 0 to 10, it is expressed as; `(0..10)`

        <!-- Unit of the reusable resource 
             Please note the units expressed in this element MUST comply with the units defined in the SenML Registry -->

        <!-- Name of the organization that has registered the object -->

        <Description><![CDATA[Reusable Resource Description]]></Description>
        <!-- Description of the reusable resource -->

        <!-- Link to the technical specification (word, pdf etc.) -->

        <!--    0 => if link to TS should not be visible, 1 => if link to TS should be visible (default) -->

5. Autovalidation