stanfordnlp / pdf-struct

Logical structure analysis for visually structured documents
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pdf-struct: Logical structure analysis for visually structured documents

This is a tool for extracting fine-grained logical structures (such as boundaries and their hierarchies) from visually structured documents (VSDs) such as PDFs. pdf-struct is easily customizable to different types of VSDs and it significantly outperformed baselines in identifying different structures in VSDs. For example, our system obtained a paragraph boundary detection F1 score of 0.953 which is significantly better than a popular PDF-to-text tool with an F1 score of 0.739. Please note that current pdf-struct has several limitations:

Details of pdf-struct can be found in our paper that was published in "Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021". You can find the dataset for reproducing the paper here.

Basic Usage

This program runs on Python 3 (tested on 3.8.5). Install pdf-struct:

pip install pdf-struct


pdf-struct predict --model PDFContractEnFeatureExtractor ${PATH_TO_PDF_FILE}

You may choose a pretrained model from . Please refer pdf-struct predict --help for full options.

Python Interface

pdf-struct provides a Python interface for inline prediction, too:

import pdf_struct


You can refer pdf-struct predict --help for the options, as it is basically what is used internally by CLI.

Advanced Usage

This section explains the way to create your own dataset and to train your own models.


To install dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting data ready

First, place your raw documents in a directory of your choice. They must have following extensions:

You may handle HTML files by turning them into PDF files:

find my_input_directory/ -type f | \
  grep -P 'html$|htm$|HTML$|HTM$' | \
  while read f; do \
    chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf-no-header --print-to-pdf="data/raw/`basename $f`.pdf" "$f"; \

Creating TSV files for annotation

Create TSV file for annotation.

pdf-struct init-dataset ${FILE_TYPE} ${RAW_DOCUMENTS_DIR} ${OUTPUT_DIR}

where ${FILE_TYPE} should be one of pdf, txt or hocr.

This will output tsv files to ${OUTPUT_DIR}.

Annotating TSV files

Annotate TSV files that were geenerated with init-dataset command.

Each line of TSV file is organized as following:


text is extracted text from the input document. It should roughly correspond to a line in the document.

label (default empty) denotes the transition relationship between that line and the next line. It should be one of following:

In the annotation, we introduced a concept block. This is intended for a case where we want to distinguish listings and paragraphs. e.g.,

Each party must:

    1. Blah blah blah ....
    blah blah blah....
      Blah blah blah....
    blah blah blah....

    2. Blah blah blah...

Here, a new paragraph within 1. at the fifth line is definately meaningful and it should not be treated in the same way as the start of 2. at the eighth line. We say that relationship between the forth and fith lines (i.e. label for the forth line) is b.

That being said, we currently treat b and s label in the same way. In fact some other labels are merged in the training/evaluation:

pointer (default 0) is introduced when the hierarchy goes up. It should be used along with c, b, d or s. We use pointer along with different labels, because we have some oocasions where we see rise in hierarchy AND the line being a continous paragraph or a different paragraph.


Blah blah blah...:<tab>0<tab>d
  a. Blah blah blah...<tab>0<tab>s
  b. Blah blah blah...<tab>-1<tab>s
Blah blah blah...:<tab>0<tab>d
  1. Blah blah blah...<tab>0<tab>d
    a) Blah blah blah...<tab>0<tab>c
     blah blah blah...<tab>0<tab>s
    b) Blah blah blah...<tab>5<tab>c
    but this does not include ...<tab>5<tab>s
                       PAGE 1/2<tab>0<tab>e
  2. Blah blah blah...<tab>0<tab>d

As you can see, eighth line use a pointer along with c because the nineth line is actually a continous paragraph from the fifth line. Pointers are 1-indexed (starts from 1) and 0 denotes no pointer. A pointer can be set to -1 to return to the most upper hierarchy. The last line should be annotated with pointer -1 and label s (though it is ignored internally).

Evaluating models

You can run experiments with following command:


Refer pdf-struct evaluate --help for the list of the feature extractors. This will run k-folds cross validation over the data.

Training models

You can train a new model on your dataset.


You can then feed ${MODEL_OUTPUT_PATH} to --path option of pdf-struct predict.

Customizing feature extractor

You can easily implement your own feature extractor. All feature extractors inherit from pdf_struct.core.feature_extractor.BaseFeatureExtractor. A child class of BaseFeatureExtractor has to implement feature extracting functions. A feature extractor class will be instantiated for each document and each feature extracting function will be called for each pair of consecutive lines of the input document.

from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np

from pdf_struct.core.feature_extractor import BaseFeatureExtractor, \
    single_input_feature, pairwise_feature
from pdf_struct.loader.pdf import TextBox
from pdf_struct import loader
from pdf_struct.core import transition_labels
from pdf_struct.core.export import to_tree
from pdf_struct.core.predictor import train_classifiers, \

class MinimalPDFFeatureExtractor(BaseFeatureExtractor):
    def __init__(self, text_boxes: List[TextBox]):
        '''This class is instantiated for each document.
        The constructor receives text_boxes which is basically all the
        lines of the input document.
        You can calculate document-specific global constants here to use
        in the actual feature extraction.

        text_boxes is list of objects all of which inherit from
        `pdf_struct.core.document.TextBlock`. This will be
        `pdf_struct.loader.pdf.TextBox` if you choose `pdf` in `pdf-struct train`
        or `pdf_struct.loader.text.TextLine` if you choose `text`.
        bboxes = np.array(
            [tb.bbox for tb in text_boxes])
        page_top = bboxes[:, 3].max()
        page_bottom = bboxes[:, 1].min()
        self.header_thresh = \
            page_top - 0.15 * (page_top - page_bottom)

    def header_region(self, tb: Optional[TextBox]):
        '''A member function with `@single_input_feature` will be called
        for each pair of consecutive text blocks. For each pair, such function
        will be applied to text blocks whose indices are specified in the argument.
        `1` means the line means the first of the pair and `2` means the latter
        `0` is the line before `1` and `3` means the line after `2`.
        The function should return `bool`, `int` or `float`. It can also return
        dict (keys will be appended to the function name to create feature names)
        or list (numbers will be automatically appended).
        tb can be `None` when it is outside the document region (specifying `3`
        will results in `None` towards the end of the document).

        Here, we are classifying whether the first line is in a header region
        as this can be a strong clue when determining the relationship between
        the pair.
        return bool(tb.bbox[3] > self.header_thresh)

    @pairwise_feature([(0, 1), (1, 2)])
    def page_change(self, tb1: Optional[TextBox], tb2: Optional[TextBox]):
        '''Same as `@single_input_feature` but works on pair of text blocks
        as specified in its argument.
        if tb1 is None or tb2 is None:
           return True
        return !=

annos = transition_labels.load_annos('./path-to-anno-dir')

FILE_TYPE = 'pdf'
documents = loader.modules[FILE_TYPE].load_from_directory('./path-to-raw-file-dir', annos)
assert len(documents) > 0

documents = [MinimalPDFFeatureExtractor.append_features_to_document(document)
             for document in documents]

clf, clf_ptr = train_classifiers(documents)

# Now make predictions
document = loader.modules[FILE_TYPE].load_document('./path-to-pdf.pdf', None, None)
document = MinimalPDFFeatureExtractor.append_features_to_document(document)

pred = predict_with_classifiers(clf, clf_ptr, [document])[0]

Examples of feature extractors can be found in pdf_struct.feature_extractors. You can also inhert from any of the existing feature extractors so that you do not need to copy-and-paste the whole class.


If you used our work for your academic publication, please cite our work:

    title = "Capturing Logical Structure of Visually Structured Documents with Multimodal Transition Parser",
    author = "Koreeda, Yuta  and
      Manning, Christopher",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021",
    month = nov,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.nllp-1.15",
    pages = "144--154"