A game inspired by "Overcooked" and "Moving out".
You play as a factory worker, your tasks is to assemble different items on a conveyor belt running through the level. Assembling can be very simple , e.g. awooden chest, or very complex, e.g. a car. The time to assemble stuff is limited by the speed of the conveyor belt, recipes require a different amount of steps to be assembled.
A more detailled design paper can be found here
Check out the project page of this repository on current progress, feel free to contribute to everything!
Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and HTML5-Build for cross-platform
Requires GoDot Engine to be installed.
First clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/starvingcats/GoDotFizzle
fileBuilding Windows EXE files and Linux executables have been tested successfully. HTML5 build works fine, too - this is the prefferd way to ship this on mobile platforms. Simply follow the GoDot project building toolchain to build executables from this project.