stat545ubc-2020 / collaborative-helium

collaborative-helium created by GitHub Classroom
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Collaborative milestone 1 Project

Team members: Tomiyosi Bola Rudri Bhatt

  1. What is the project?

This is our first collaborative milestone project for STAT 545A. We will be running a .rmd file using Rstudio. Each team member made a Pull request on GitHUb and the other teammember commented on and merged the pull request. Rudri made the pull request on file in branch Push, while Tomiyosi made the pull request on in branch Project1.

  1. What files are in the project folder / GitHub repository?

The files in the repository of this project are: Milestone1 (folder .gitignore

  1. How can they run code that appears in your folder / GitHub repository?

We can run the code using Rstudio.

The tasks under this project are:

  1. Creating GitHub repository
  2. Creating a Teamwork contract Communication Submission Pull request Work flow
  3. Create README file to introduce the project and give context
  4. Learn to use GitHub Issues Each team member must introduce themselves and tag the other team member Each team member should comment on the other's introductory issue
  5. Learn to use Markdown formating by showcasing atleast five functions of GitHub markdown
  6. Merge one Pull Request per teammate
  7. Learn to Troubleshoot on markdown by completing instructions on the troubleshoot repository on GitHub
  8. Submit the collaborative Milestone project by tagging a release on the GitHub repository

Our Team members said:

How do we merge a pull request? Oh wait, I got it! master

This is Branch Project1


  1. What is the project?

This project is a collaborative Milestone project for STAT 545. Part of this project is to make a pull request

  1. What files are in the project folder / GitHub repository?

  2. How can they run code that appears in your folder / GitHub repository?

    This is branch Push Push

  3. What is the project?

This is our first collaborative milestone project for STAT 545A. We will be running a .rmd file using Rstudio. We will also learn to make a pull request.

  1. What files are in the project folder / GitHub repository?

The files in the repository of this project are: Milestone1 (folder .gitignore

  1. How can they run code that appears in your folder / GitHub repository?

We can run the code using Rstudio.