stat545ubc-2023 / collaborative-group-23

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STAT 545A Collaborative Project: Milestone 2

This respository is the STAT 545A Collaborative Project: Milestone 2 for Group 23.


In this Github Repository we have created/modified six files:

  1. Team Work Contract
  2. Readme File (includes project discription)
  3. Troubleshooting Document 1 R code file
  4. Troubleshooting Document 1 markdown file
  5. Troubleshooting Document 2 R code file
  6. Troubleshooting Document 2 markdown file

Team Work Contract

The team work contract includes an agreement on the Division of Labour, Timing, and Communication. Based on a group communication we decided on the parameter of this contract and it can be found under on the main branch. To open the file you can download the file and open in R/Rstudio or clone this repository into R/Rstudio.

Readme File

This is the Readme File. It provides context and how-to instructions for the project. To open the file you can download the file and open in R/Rstudio or clone this repository using the URL into R/Rstudio.

Troubleshooting Document

The Troubleshooting Document 1 and Troubleshooting Document 2 was brought into the respository and the errors were fixed in Rstudio and each is knitted to an .md file. To complete this part of the project we cloned the entire project, fix the errors in Rstudio, knit, and push it back to the repository.

Thanks for reading! :+1: :sparkles: :camel: :tada: :rocket: :metal: :octocat: