stat545ubc-2023 / collaborative-group3

collaborative-group3 created by GitHub Classroom
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Group 3 Collaborative Project Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 :sparkles:

This project is a collaborative project for STAT545A completed by Group 3. The group members are Hitasha, Alex, Bradley and Julia. The primary objective of this project is to get familiar with collaborating with others on git + the GitHub workflow, troubleshoot broken codes on R, and to rewrite code to address certain questions. There are 4 main files for Milestone 1 in the Github repository for this project. This README file is meant to provide context and instructions for this project folder; think of it like a preface for what to expect. The TEAMWORK file is a teamwork contract meant to set expectations regarding division of labor, timing, and communication between all group members. The troubleshooting documents ( and troubleshooting-1.rmd) make up the first troubleshooting assignment where errors in R code were fixed (correct code in Code from this repository is written in R and can be run in Rstudio. To execute RMarkdown files, you need to have installed R and RStudio. How to execute:

  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine
  2. Open the RMarkdown files in RStudio
  3. Ensure you’ve installed tidyverse packages. If not installed, you can do this with install.packages(“tidyverse”) in the R console
  4. Click ‘knit’ to knit the document to an md file

For Milestone 2, we added 2 new files to our repository: and troubleshooting-2.rmd, which make up the second troubleshooting assignment. For this assignment, we fixed the errors in R code and knit the final, corrected file into a .md file.