stat545ubc-2023 / collaborative-team-14

collaborative-team-14 created by GitHub Classroom
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STAT 545A Collaborative Project Milestone 1


This project aims to investigate the git + GitHub workflow and troubleshoot code. It is a collaborative effort by Yifan, Wakeel, Javier and James.

Table of Contents

Files in the Repository

How to Run Code from This Repository


  1. Ensure you have R and RStudio installed on your computer. Download R from CRAN and RStudio from


Clone the Repository using RStudio

  1. Launch RStudio.
  2. Go to File -> New Project.
  3. Choose Version Control.
  4. Select Git.
  5. In the "Repository URL" field, paste the URL of the GitHub repository.
  6. Choose where to save the repository in the "Create project as subdirectory of" field.
  7. Click Create Project.

Install Required Packages

  1. Open the R console within RStudio.
  2. If there's a file like requirements.R or install_packages.R in the repository, run it. Otherwise, manually install packages.

Run the Code

  1. If the code is in an R script, you can run it by clicking Source.
  2. If the code is in an R Markdown file, you can knit the document by clicking the Knit button.
