stat545ubc-2023 / collaborative-team-19

collaborative-team-19 created by GitHub Classroom
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What is this project about? :thinking:

This project is an exercise in getting familiar with GitHub and Rstudio, collaborating with other students, and practicing creating pull requests (in a new branch) and merging them (to the main branch).

This project was created by @AdeshBaral1 @almita @Apsara421 and @christine747 :sparkles:.


Files in our project folder / GitHub repository :open_file_folder: This file contains details about the project including what files are in the repository, what information they contain, as well as how users can run the code that appears in our repository. This file contains details of how we distributed the work, when we worked on it, and our methods of communication.

troubleshooting-1.rmd: This file contains errors that we need to fix as a team. The codes are fixed, and the solution is described in a comment. This file contains the markdown version of the troubleshooting exercise file.

troubleshooting-2.rmd: This file contains errors that we need to fix as a team. The codes are fixed, and the solution is described in a comment. This file contains the markdown version of the troubleshooting exercise file.

How can you run code that appears in our folder / GitHub repository?

To run our code you can clone our github repository by running the following code in the command prompt/terminal:

git clone

You can then open the directory in RStudio

cat with bread around its face