stat545ubc-2023 / collaborative-team20

collaborative-team20 created by GitHub Classroom
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Team20 Collaborative Project Milestone 2

The Project

The Project will include

What files are in the 'collaborative-team20' GitHub repository?

How can you run codes that are in 'collaborative-team20' GitHub repository?

File list for this Project

File Name Folder Explanation Milestone 1 This TEAMWORK-2 file provides a guideline on how we collaborate and communicate with each other.
(GRADED) Milestone 1 This TEAMWORK-1 file provides a guideline on how we collaborate and communicate with each other.
troubleshooting-1.Rmd Milestone 1 This is the STAT 545A Troubleshooting Exercise for Milestone 1. Milestone 1 This is the markdown version of STAT 545A Troubleshooting Exercise for Milestone 1. root The README-2 file shows the outline of this project.
(GRADED) root This TEAMWORK-2 file provides a guideline on how we collaborate and communicate with each other.
troubleshooting-2.Rmd root This is the STAT 545A Troubleshooting Exercise for Milestone 2. root This is the markdown version of STAT 545A Troubleshooting Exercise for Milestone 2.